Pre WWI German Beatbox

Pre WWI German Beatbox

The Magnificent Gert Fröbe performing a Pre World War I beatbox.



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Comment (34)

  1. If you had either Wolfgang Preiss or Gert Frobe in a movie to portray a German, it was always going to be great. Best two German male actors. Karl Michael Vogler was very good too.

  2. Gerd Fröbe War eine Legende in Deutschland… wir haben uns krank gelacht hier in Deutschland… und die Quween , so sagt man auch… Gerd Fröbe war auch privat ein sehr lustiger mensch…..

  3. Gert Fröbe contributed some gags and jokes from his military experience to the film. The gag of “Army service instructions for operating an aircraft” (quote: “Number 1: Sit down!”) Comes from him, as does the idea for the film music. "Goldfinger" and "Those Magnificent Men …" were shot almost simultaneously in adjacent studios in London. One day Fröbe surprised the Goldfinger crew with an appearance in this uniform. He imitated a military march. Composer Ron Goodwin, who was also in the studio, made a note of the subject.

    Translated from Wikipedia

  4. Apparently my German Grandfather who survived WWI and WWII did this! So are Germans actually the original "human beat box" ???? !! blows my mind because i grew in the Fat Boys Era.

  5. in my childhood days, i was a WW1/2 buff. i liked the germans very much. in my acedemics, whenever i found something difficult, i looked out for a guide or a manual on it. its only when i watched this thing, i realized that i am a german officer

  6. 0:14
    Boy: Look father, a German march.
    Father: Don't look at them, Ricky. I don't want you to be influenced by… Oh God no!
    Boy: It's too late, Vater. I've zeen everything. Auf Wiedersehen. *start marching *
    Father: RICKY! *grab his arm *


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