Monkey Magic – The Middle Path and Compassion

Monkey Magic – The Middle Path and Compassion

“The Middle Way” is central to the Buddhist teachings. Being aware that our physical reality is an illusion projected by our minds ought not to interfere with our compassion for one another, ie even though its only happening in a dream, we must still honor the other in their path to obtaining Buddhahood (Enlightenment), even though in time, other travellers may be progressively slower and others more advanced, the middle path reminds us not to take an extreme stance on our path to enlightenment.



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Comment (30)

  1. 三蔵法師が亡くなった自分の子にそっくりだという回だったでしょうか?子供の頃リアルタイムで見たのを覚えています。

  2. Monkey knight as it was known in the Dominican rep as a kid in the early 90 caught my imagination never realizing the real meaning behind the message

  3. We all loved it because Monkey kicked ass and had a flying cloud but we were taking on the subconscious deep profound wisdom. That said dont lie to old witches, lol.

  4. Budda was saying that it didn't matter if the world was real or an illusion since it is all what we see with our senses so we can't tell the difference between a real rock we pick up and an illusionary rock because they both trigger the same senses. In the mind of the crazy old woman it didn't matter if her son was real or not because it was real in her mind and that was the only place that it mattered.

  5. abs brilliant loved this when i was a kid and its sooo timeless even though theres a new legentds of monkey on netflix, this is fantastic, the dialogue , voices sounds and story and direction a tour de force

  6. I loved watching Monkey as a kid in the 80s,I always used to imagine myself living in that world and how absolutely terrifying that would be,there was something about the environment and the atmosphere plus the characters especially the demons that really really scared me to death as a kid

  7. Monkey is on NETFLIX atm.
    I always thought that this was all illusion, before i even heard it in Buddha or esoteric teachings. All our dreams crossing over and sometimes we meet for a reason. All of us distracted by so many things.
    If someone thinks it, then create it, and bring it into the dream.
    Imagine what an Ancient Egyptian would think of a smartphone.
    Who knows what the future will bring, we'll dream it as we go i suppose.
    (edit) when asleep and dreaming, i don't know I'm dreaming until i wake up.

  8. LooooL!!
    Monkey was just abrupt!!
    Almost nothing he wouldn't say!
    And he used to kick some SERIOUS @$$!!
    NO mercy for demons or vampires, which is correct…


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