Tom Segura tells a story about one of his friends who dreamed about hooking up with a member of the Wu Tang Clan. They have nine members and they all accepted the offer. Nine is a lot! Watch the full stand up comedy special “Ball Hog” streaming on Netflix.
Wu-tang clan ain't nothing to fuck with.
Thats pretty much the standard modern western woman. A corner hooker from the 16th century had more decorum or even decency than your average gal
Oh, you're sayin she was a whoooore, got it.
I don't believe the story is real. I think he came up with the protect your neck bj joke premise and built around it. Still impressive
Love ya, Tom but that shit sounds like canned laughs
And that young ladies name was sarah silverman. True story
wutang clan was create using gordon liu's famous movie "the 36th chamber of shaolin" gordon liu was super famous in hong kong and was also used for the movie "kill bill" his career was ruined by sh1tty american movies because the era of kungfu was dying and we were into the territory of 80s american shootem ups (which sadly he tried, wasn't memorable) but it did make john woos and chow yun fats careers, the famous hk movie that make them famous was "a better tomorrow" then they both went to hollywood. p.s is this reverse racism? slut only wants to blow them because they're black (and getting popular on chinese culture)
This is aggressively bad.
All jokes aside, that girl is gonna be somebody's mother…ffs.
Nobody wants to admit they got fucked up and ate 9 cans of raviolis…
This guy is the opposite of funny
And, to think… He married that friend
It would have been 10 RIP ODB! WuTang!
“9 is a lot of anything”
Not fingers
Show me the school stupid people
I can't touch that without getting out of the bubble…….
Damn, homeboy sure had that stage make-up caked on for this special!
who TF is barking?
9 of anything except dollars is a lot
Tom is really sexy!
Imagine marrying her
The cheerfulness with which he delivers “they all accepted!”
4:05 not saying i know anything about it but… her jaw would hurt long before that …. – so i heard
So I guess Wu Tang like and and they are really something to fuck with. Different use of the word fuck, I know.
"i'd have got lunch" had me crying
I can't really imagine being in that scenario; I easily would have backed out if I was one of them. Like, was it one after the other or at the same time? The first is already pretty weird.
You would just sit there on the bus, you're number four on the list, two of your other buddies just finished, and the third one is in the back right now with her while you play with your thumbs waiting for your turn. If you're number nine on the list, you aren't getting a good time. Her knees must be killing, her jaw is sore, she hasn't brushed her teeth.
It's even weirder if it was at the same time since you can see in real time who's her favorite and who's her least favorite. Then you have to look at eight of your friends' junks during which I bet isn't going to help keep you going; looking at one girl and eight other dudes.
It sounds fun in theory, but must be awful in practice.