Jimmy checks in with LL Cool J, who chats about programming his SiriusXM Rock the Bells station, reminisces about the Beastie Boys kickstarting his career and cruising the punk scene as a teen and spotlights WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
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Beastie Boys’ Adrock Kicked Off LL Cool J’s Career and Laid the Beat on His Debut
LL was watching some NYHC at CBGB… and was inspired. That’s awesome to know.
Can we have a LL cool j story doc
Shouts to m.c. Silverfox for bringing the masses cool j
He owe it to Ad-Rock
Without Ad-Rock,cool J would'nt be around,true
That's pretty dope cuz wasn't there a time when LL Cool J wasn't doing so good so for him to go and search out people that might not be doing as good as they were at one point pretty interesting
My mind is now blown something that I did not know so basically the Beastie Boys discovered LL Cool J what the more I look the more my mind gets blown like someone else was saying something about I don't know if this is just an opinion or not but the Beastie Boys were inspired by The Ramones that kind of blew my mind as well all in one day
Giive me waters agen
Why is LL NEVER considered a top 10 talent?????
I don't think I've ever seen such a large personal Shepard " obey" fairey collection.
Crazy respect and love to LL cool J giving AdRoc credit for his fame.
I was totally into this interview, being a LONG-TIME fan of LL, but right at the end, I started looking at his wall, and was taken aback by what I saw. A hand over someones mouth with it titled "free speech", and then two pictures of the word "OBEY". I'm not going to turn away from liking LL, but wtf?
Very interesting listen one of greatest MC of hip hop talk about CBGB and punk scene back then.
It prove hip hop artist have good relationship with punk scene back to 80's
I dig J's art on the wall.
The moment when LL realized he banged Jimmy Fallons wife! Ha! " Oh really I didnt know that"! lol
As much of a legend LL is, he's real, he always gives props where its due. Never forgot where he came from. True.
Even though it was the Beasties that got LL's career started, I think if it wasn't for Legends like Chuck D and LL always giving crazy props to the Beastie Boys their legacy would benefit less than it is today. There are a lot of people in the hip hop community that don't want a white rapper or group to have legendary status.
I guess I'm just a white dude that wants to see a little of myself in the culture of hip hop because I love it along with just about every other genre of music. And also as a pretty average white guy we are definitely grateful for the the black artists that gave us blues and rock, which have by now evolved into many genres.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is the amazing musical cultures we have in America are a testament to a crazy, often horrible history that created a unique melting pot of people. I hope one day we can all get along a appreciate each other's cultures and history.
I want the beasties and ll cool j to collaborate 1 more time.
Put down that bitch suu kyi picture, dumbass!
This man looks young for a 52 yr old
One question to ask? Name the Best Rap Group Ever….
What a great fucking story
LL gestures when he talks on cam, just like when he's rapping. LMAO! I guess we are who we are.
wow i didn't know that the beastie boys helped ll cool j kick off his career, props to the beastie boys.
yo, real Hip Hop on my page https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WixCCvL7sAYsoundcloud.com/gringo-on-tha-beat
ll cool j is one of the most VERSATILE rappers in rap music. He can go HARD. He can go SOFT. He can go smooth. His very UNDER-RATED but very CHARISMATIC. One of my very rappers of all time.
Farmers Blvd in the house Ll.Cool.J I know him big fan of his art ..very successful cat In whatever he does huge inspiration to the world continue success
LL needs to come out with one last “ retiree” album he should name it “ You know what I’m sayin!!
Coffee Time Entertainment
LL's been entertaining us for decades.
Now I'm a big James T Smith fan. But why this disease? Support this one? As he said toward the end? What about diabetes? Dementia. Cancer? Way bigger killers than this virus
A True Hip Hop Legend The Greatest Ever