Biz Markie β€Ž- Young Girl Bluez (Official Video)

Biz Markie β€Ž- Young Girl Bluez (Official Video)

Biz Markie β€Ž- Young Girl Bluez (Official Video) from the 1993 album β€˜All Samples Cleared!’.

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[Hook x4] β€œHuh huh huh, now what was I to do?
She’s crying over me and she was feeling blue, I said” – Slick Rick (Repeat 4x)

[Verse 1] I was walking down the street, just a minding my biz
I saw this young lady, the ultimate
She had a pair of jugs that was so fine
Then I took a look at that behind
36-24-36, I looked to her and I said β€œI need a fix”
I asked her the same blahzay, blahzay
Her name, where she live, and how much she weigh
I got her digits and gave her my 1-800 beeper number
You can leave a message under the name of Rhumba
I know you’re bugging off the nickname, I would be too
But every time she be walking, she turns the heads of the crew
Word is bond, I wouldn’t be messing
With this girl if I knew she was an adolescent
To all the guys over 21, here’s the news:
It’s the hip-hop version of the Young Girl Bluez

[Hook x4] [Verse 2] As the story goes on, I get a little deeper
I got a strange message on my 1-800 beeper
Call me looney, crazy, psychotic or dumb
But I got a good message from a girl named Rum
She said come and get me from Mickey D’s at 8
That’s where I work after school, pick me up for a date
I was so excited that she called my pager
But never thought to ask if she was a teenager
She mentioned going to school, but I didn’t think it was high
If you saw what I saw, then you’d know why
You wouldn’t believe or even think of
A bird like that could be a dove
I picked her up in my Lexus coupe
Only God knows what I’m doing is an oof
Am I robbing a cradle? I’m very confused
I’m stuck in the middle of the Young Girl Bluez

[Hook x4] [Verse 3] Now I was seeing her for about half a year
Everything was fine and dandy without shedding a tear
Age ain’t nothing but a number, that’s what Chi-Ali said
Okay, then why don’t you get that through the judge’s head?
Proceeding along, I must have to say
It was coming very close to her birthday
I asked β€œWhat do you want?” She said β€œA pair of earrings”
I never knew what an avalanche the future brings
Her birthday came and she gave a party
I arrived kind of late to the place to be
People was excited for seeing my face
If my mother ever knew, I would be a disgrace
β€œHow old are you now?” to Rhumba-reen
I was in shock when they screamed β€œSixteen!”
I felt like falling apart when I heard the news
This is the never-ending saga of the Young Girl Bluez

[Hook x4]

About Uproxx Video:

UPROXX Video celebrates Hip-Hop, Style, and Creativity through a mix of original shows and music videos from the biggest artists, entertainers, and innovators from our culture.


People’s Party is a weekly interview show hosted by Talib Kweli and Jasmin Leigh. Guests range from the biggest names in hip-hop, to global entertainers, to the most progressive minds moving our culture forward. The audio podcast is available on Apple and Spotify.



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Comment (31)

  1. I will never forget when Biz came to sing at this small summer venue in this Athletic field in Irvington nj 5mins from Newark I took the bus up there a bunch of us from school and the Block ..he did his thing then Mc.lyte was there and Rob base I miss those days that's when I knew I was gonna be a hiphop fiend RIP BIZ I bought the diabolical tape that summer and big daddy Kane smooth operator…man oh man I wish I can go back in time.


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