560 Videos

What Rescheduling Means for Cannabis Investments

Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended rescheduling cannabis from schedule I to III under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). My colleagues already covered various implications of the proposed cannabis rescheduling (see here and here). Today, I want to talk about one of the most important consequences of the announcement other than […]

Another California Cannabis Enforcement Program That Won’t Work

Earlier this week, California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta announced yet another cannabis enforcement program: the Cannabis Administrative Prosecutor Program (CAPP). CAPP is the newest of California’s ever-growing list of acronym enforcement programs, alongside EPIC (previously CAMP), UCETF, alongside countless other county and local agencies. Will the new enforcement program make a dent in the illegal […]

How To Wind Up a Cannabis Company

Most cannabis companies are not wound up properly, some cannabis companies (and their owners) suffer repercussions for this, and all cannabis companies (and their owners, and investors!) are well served by an orderly wind-up. This blog post will cover some basics on the cannabis business wind-up process. First, though, I want to address a point […]

Chalice Receivership Update: Weak Market, Insiders Pounce

I’ve been writing about the Chalice receivership process since late May, when Chalice Brands Ltd. (OTCMKTS: CHALF) filed an Oregon Circuit Court complaint. In that Oregon lawsuit, Chalice brought claims against five local subsidiaries to drive them into receivership, claiming some $35 million owed. The lawsuit was orchestrated with a parallel Canadian proceeding. Up north, […]

Why Cannabis Product Review is So Important

Over the last five years, I’ve done countless compliance reviews for cannabis product and CBD product labels, packaging materials, and products themselves. In all cases – not most, all – cannabis product labels needed at least one change. Product type, shape, and ingredients often needed work. And even packaging material has had plenty of issues. […]

Congress Wants to Hear from You on CBD by August 18th

Today’s public service announcement is that Congress wants to hear from you on a regulatory fix for cannabidiol (CBD) and other hemp-derived cannabinoid products. The request came down via the Energy and Commerce Committee on July 27, when it published a Request for Information (RFI) to “interested parties” on the topic. The deadline for RFI […]

Registering Your Trademarks: A How-To Guide

Registering your trademarks is a critical step for protecting your brand – but it’s definitely not easy to figure out without experience. Trademarks are unique identifiers, most often company or product names or logos, but slogans, hashtags, and even 3D shapes, sounds and scents can also constitute trademarks, if used in connection with specific products […]

Oregon Cannabis: What to Expect from OLCC This Fall

Fall is always eventful in Oregon cannabis. Croptober is an Oregon cannabis tradition— hopefully the crops come in lee of any wildfires. We also have administrative rulemaking annually once summer winds down, typically with public input via multiple rules advisory committees (RACs). That’s what I’m here to discuss. This year, the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis […]

Strategies for Distressed Cannabis Businesses

It’s pretty easy to write about everything that’s going wrong in today’s cannabis industry. Today, I want to change gears and talk about some of the strategies we’ve seen work for distressed cannabis businesses in the past. Yes, some of these strategies may seem obvious at first. But pulling them off correctly – especially in […]