560 Videos

New York Cannabis: Farmers’ Market, CAURD Licensing Update

As we previously reported here on the blog, New York introduced the idea of a cannabis farmers’ markets to unclog legal weed supply chain. New York’s Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) previously announced a plan to allow conditional cultivators and retailers to organize and sell weed at farmers’ markets this summer, along with other state […]

Florida Chamber of Commerce Opposes Cannabis Legalization Vote

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has filed a brief with the state Supreme Court, opposing the placement of an adult-use cannabis legalization initiative on the 2024 ballot. This in itself is not particularly noteworthy, though the Chamber’s opposition is curious, given the clear potential that legalization holds for, well, commerce. Nonetheless, the brief offers a […]

FDA and FTC Target Delta-8 Products

On July 5, 2023, the FDA and FTC jointly announced six cease and desist letters to alleged delta-8 product makers. You can access the letters here. Unlike prior rounds of warning letters, these letters have a new focus: harm to children. For nearly five years, the FDA and FTC have taken the position that CBD […]

Cannabis Investment and the NBA

In case you missed it, professional players on teams in the National Basketball Association are getting a free and clear opportunity to take advantage of the cannabis industry through cannabis investments. As a former D-1 college athlete, I’m glad to see the NBA not only remove cannabis from its list of banned substances but also […]

It’s Time to End California Distribution Licenses

California’s cannabis laws are a textbook example of what a state shouldn’t do. And one of the best examples of this is California’s distribution licenses. These licenses were unnecessary from the get go, and the recent developments have only made that reality more apparent. It’s time for the state to end distribution licensing and simplify […]

Cannabis Litigation to Watch – Canna Law Blog™

As the cannabis economy tanks (with the exception of states that just came online for medical and/or adult-use), cannabis litigation is picking up. Most of this litigation revolves around partnership disputes, unpaid bills, breached contracts, and solvency. All cannabis entrepreneurs and businesses should be mindful of cannabis litigation trends, especially in these lean times. To […]

New York Office of Cannabis Management Gets New Enforcement Powers

New York State’s recently passed 2024 budget includes many cannabis-related provisions, addressing enforcement, licensure, and penalties, with the goal of curbing the state’s illicit marijuana market. Specifically, Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation granting the state Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) certain enforcement powers. Several of the new enforcement tools at OCM’s enforcement disposal include: Issuing civil […]

New York Cannabis: The Variscite Injunction is Lifted

The news tricked out slowly, then all at once: New York has settled the Variscite litigation, and the injunction prohibiting Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary (CAURD) licenses in the Finger Lakes region has been lifted. The settlement was approved during the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) meeting on May 30, 2023, paving the way for new CAURD […]

Can I Import Marijuana Seeds to the U.S.?

We’ve recently received a number of inquiries about whether it is legal to import marijuana seeds into the United States. These are seeds derived from marijuana plants that have a THC content less than 0.3%, but when planted will germinate into marijuana plants that have a THC content more than 0.3%.  The seeds themselves have […]

New York Cannabis: The New True Party of Interest Rule

New York’s release of the revised adult-use rules and regulations has been well-publicized. A key revision that was the source of significant speculation was whether the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) and Cannabis Control Board (CCB) would revise the True Party of Interest (TPI) definition with respect to ancillary service providers and the monetary limits […]