560 Videos

Harris Sliwoski LLP Welcomes Esteemed Litigation Team

We are pleased to announce the addition of an esteemed litigation team to the Oregon office. Matt Goldberg, Nicole Gossett-Roxbury, and Deb Fernando have joined our law firm from Lotus Law Group. They will continue to focus on high-stakes business and real estate litigation. Their clients include business owners and operators, investors, financial institutions, and […]

Hashish Machines: Ways of Making Hashish

“To leave a message, press hash at any time” I could not resist quoting an automated message that UK telephone users frequently hear; it always amuses me. In a previous article, we explored the global history of making hashish and some of the traditional methods used. In this article, we will explore some modern techniques […]

Hemp and the New Senate Farm Bill

The U.S. Senate’s version of the Farm Bill finally landed this week. They’re calling it the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act of 2024 (the “Senate bill”). The Senate bill follows on the House’s proposal, called the Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 (the “House bill”), offered in May. Neither the Senate bill […]

Hot Spell Tomato

RTP422 Hot Spell If you have unusually hot conditions, this is your best bet for a good harvest. Super heat resistant, highly flavorful, round, 7 oz, compact plant, det, 68 days. Source link

How Cannabis Can Help Your Relationship

Happy Valentines Day! It seems like there are love hearts and red roses everywhere you turn. But can a certain green flower play a role in romantic relationships? If used responsibly, cannabis can absolutely sweeten things with a partner. From bonding through simple laughter, helping you to share your deepest thoughts, feelings and ideas or […]

How Cannabis Can Improve Sex

The subject of cannabis and sex can be a confusing one. Research reveals two diametrically opposing points of view. One says cannabis helps your sex life; the other says it harms it. Dig a little deeper on the subject, and you’ll find scientific study backing up both sides of the argument – but you should never let an argument stand […]

How Cannabis Shaped Modern Music

While cannabis was little known to the American public in the 1920s, it was becoming a daily staple among many of New Orleans jazz musicians. Being passed around backstage in music clubs to ’get in the groove’ before performing stimulate new ideas, and allow the inspiration caused by changed perceptions to be expressed through music. […]

How Cannabis Treats Childhood Epilepsy

New research has significantly strengthened the case for the use of whole-plant cannabis products to treat childhood epilepsy. Appearing in the BMJ, the new study found that kids’ seizures fell by an average of 86 percent once they began taking full-spectrum cannabis extracts and that these products significantly outperformed conventional epilepsy drugs and isolated CBD[i]. […]

How Does Cannabis Affect Your Driving?

Before kicking off any discussion about cannabis and driving, let’s get straight in there and clarify that taking the wheel while stoned is totally unacceptable. Having said that, a look at some of the latest studies indicates that testing positive for THC may not increase a driver’s likelihood to crash. Cannabis Impairs Driving A raft […]

How I Use Cannabis Oils Medicinally

Long before the pharmaceutical industry, herbal medications were used to treat all sorts of conditions, diseases and illnesses. And tinctures were a common method for consumption for hundreds of years. These days, it’s primarily cannabis consumed through tinctures, either to get high or treat illness. Seedsman sat down with Sarah Godfrey, who’s used cannabis to […]