560 Videos

How To Wind Up a Cannabis Company

Most cannabis companies are not wound up properly, some cannabis companies (and their owners) suffer repercussions for this, and all cannabis companies (and their owners, and investors!) are well served by an orderly wind-up. This blog post will cover some basics on the cannabis business wind-up process. First, though, I want to address a point […]

Improve Terpene Production With This Recipe

Wherever you turn in the cannabis world, the word “terpene” is sure to be seen. The world’s obsession with cannabis science and exploration has led terpenes to become more popular than ever. It has even been suggested that their use will be one of the next big booms in cosmetic marketing. So let’s talk terpene production, […]

Improve Terpene Production With This Recipe

Wherever you turn in the cannabis world, the word “terpene” is sure to be seen. The world’s obsession with cannabis science and exploration has led terpenes to become more popular than ever. It has even been suggested that their use will be one of the next big booms in cosmetic marketing. So let’s talk terpene production, […]

Indigenous Microorganisms – A Guide

Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO for short) are organisms that are found locally in your soil near the edge of the woods and leading into the woods. It’s the network that helps plants communicate, helps take up nutrients from the soil, and even helps break down organic/carbonous materials. This makes everything available that the crops need. You […]

Insects and Cannabis: The Good & The Bad

Whether indoors or outs, there is one thing every gardener and farmer dreads the most.: insects in your garden, munching on those beautiful green leaves you’ve worked hard to grow. Let’s talk insects and cannabis. Here, we’ll show you what insects are harmful to your plants and which are good. Not only that but how […]

Introduction to Korean Natural Farming

Korean Natural Farming, what is it? How does it work? How do you accomplish it? I’ve heard these questions more and more lately. Every picture I post, I seem to get a group of people interested and amazed at the process. I, myself, must admit, when I was first growing, it awed me as well. […]

Investing in Cannabis: Five Due Diligence Red Flags

Our cannabis team has performed due diligence on countless business purchases, investments, loans, and just about every other kind of transaction you can imagine. As you can imagine, we’ve seen some pretty bad and even sketchy things over the years. With rescheduling on the horizon (see here and here), we expect to see an increase in loans, investments, […]

Is D.C.’s Cannabis “Gifting Economy” In Trouble?

Last week, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson called a vote on emergency legislation that aimed, in part, to give the Council the authority to shut down any business that gifts marijuana. Although the proposed bill did not pass (by only one vote), Mendelson’s bill reveals ongoing tension regarding D.C.’s legally questionable cannabis “gifting economy” and […]