560 Videos

Cannabis Rescheduling and Trademarks – Canna Law Blog™

Cannabis rescheduling appears to be a matter of time and my colleagues have written about the possible implications (see here, here, and here). Rescheduling to a less restrictive category will also have implications for trademarking by cannabis brands. By broadening the legality of cannabis goods and services, rescheduling will also make more canna trademarks eligible […]

Unusual and Exotic Vine Seeds From Around the World

Our list of Exotic and Unusual Vine Seeds from around the world. LET095 Bridal Creeper ( Asparagus asparagoides ‘Smilax’ ) Originally native to eastern and southern Africa, this easily grown, scrambling vine is popular worldwide as an ornamental and widely cultivated as an ornamental vine. It is commonly used in floral arrangements or home decorating. […]

Gourd Seed List

Gourd Seed Grow your own fall decorations and craft items from the seeds below. Click here to learn how to Hand Pollinate your Gourds A little Gourd info Ornamental gourds can be divided into two major botanical groups. They all belong to the Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbit) family, which includes many types of squash and pumpkins. The […]

Improve Terpene Production With This Recipe

Wherever you turn in the cannabis world, the word “terpene” is sure to be seen. The world’s obsession with cannabis science and exploration has led terpenes to become more popular than ever. It has even been suggested that their use will be one of the next big booms in cosmetic marketing. So let’s talk terpene production, […]

Dead Man's Fingers

FB148 Dead Man’s Fingers Decaisnea fargesii A small multi-trunked tree, Decaisnea rarely exceeds 5-6 meters in height, with a similar spread. The bright green pinnate leaves, which can be as long as 90cm (3ft), emerge in mid-spring. The pendent panicles of blooms, up to 45cm (18in) long, have sparse bright green-yellow petalless flowers, up to […]

Oak tree seeds from around the world

Oak Tree Seeds Image: Wikimedia Q2 Coast Live Oak ( Quercus Agrifolia ) Good for zones 9-10. Spreading, Evergreen tree with reddish brown to gray colored bark and dark green spiny toothed leaves. Mature tree can reach 70 ft tall and spread to 50 ft. wide. Native to California. Q5 Northern Red Oak ( Quercus […]

Is D.C.’s Cannabis “Gifting Economy” In Trouble?

Last week, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson called a vote on emergency legislation that aimed, in part, to give the Council the authority to shut down any business that gifts marijuana. Although the proposed bill did not pass (by only one vote), Mendelson’s bill reveals ongoing tension regarding D.C.’s legally questionable cannabis “gifting economy” and […]