560 Videos

New and Unusual Seed Additions Just Added to

For a stately, tall ornamental grass that has a commanding presence, start Pampas Grass seeds, and enjoy its majestic beauty! This tall, ornamental grass is known for its silky, feathery plumes. Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass will bloom for a long time in late summer and fall. Before the blooms are completely spent, many people choose […]

Introduction to Korean Natural Farming

Korean Natural Farming, what is it? How does it work? How do you accomplish it? I’ve heard these questions more and more lately. Every picture I post, I seem to get a group of people interested and amazed at the process. I, myself, must admit, when I was first growing, it awed me as well. […]

New and Unusual Seed Additions Just Added to

For a stately, tall ornamental grass that has a commanding presence, start Pampas Grass seeds, and enjoy its majestic beauty! This tall, ornamental grass is known for its silky, feathery plumes. Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass will bloom for a long time in late summer and fall. Before the blooms are completely spent, many people choose […]

How Does Cannabis Affect Your Driving?

Before kicking off any discussion about cannabis and driving, let’s get straight in there and clarify that taking the wheel while stoned is totally unacceptable. Having said that, a look at some of the latest studies indicates that testing positive for THC may not increase a driver’s likelihood to crash. Cannabis Impairs Driving A raft […]

Cheron Summer Gloxinia

JF122 Cheron Summer Gloxinia ( Incarvillea sinensis ‘Cheron’ ) Heart thumping large cream white trumpets above ferny foliage all summer, for patio pot or border, 10 weeks seed to bloom, sun to part shade. Incarvilleas are sometimes called “summer gloxinias” but are unrelated to true gloxinias. Something interesting and different for your borders or patio […]

Cannabis Legalisation: Should All Nations Copy Malta?

In late 2021 a continental scramble broke out as several countries suddenly joined the race to become the first European nation to legalise weed. Before the ink had dried on new legislative bills in Germany and Luxembourg, however, Malta had already got its own cannabis legalisation act over the line. Unlike other legalised markets, though, […]

Hot Spell Tomato

RTP422 Hot Spell If you have unusually hot conditions, this is your best bet for a good harvest. Super heat resistant, highly flavorful, round, 7 oz, compact plant, det, 68 days. Source link

Datura and Brugmansia Seeds from around the world

Seeds for Angel’s Trumpet Flowers ( Datura and Brugmansia ) Tips on Growing Brugmansia from Seed ( Brugmansia Growers International ) Tips on taking Brugmansia Cuttings ( Brugmansia Growers International ) Datura and Brugmansia can be grown in tubs and pots in cooler climates, and directly in the garden in warmer climates. The Datura/Brugmansia seed […]

Flowering Camellia

Flowering Camellia Camellia japonica A beautiful flowering camellia with white, pink and sometimes red flowers. A beautiful evergreen plant. Can be grown in tubs inside, or in cool greenhouses, outdoors in warm climates. Prefers moist, well drained, humus rich, slightly acidic ( 5.5-6.5 )soil. We recommend maintaining a 2-3 inch deep mulch of shredded bark […]