561 Videos

Can Cannabis Lower Heart Attack Risk?

Smoking too much weed can cause heart issues like tachycardia, although a new study finds that cannabis use actually reduces a person’s chance of suffering a heart attack. According to the researchers, the level of protection provided by cannabinoids mirrors that of red wine, which is famously good for the heart when consumed in moderation[i]. […]

Oak tree seeds from around the world

Oak Tree Seeds Image: Wikimedia Q2 Coast Live Oak ( Quercus Agrifolia ) Good for zones 9-10. Spreading, Evergreen tree with reddish brown to gray colored bark and dark green spiny toothed leaves. Mature tree can reach 70 ft tall and spread to 50 ft. wide. Native to California. Q5 Northern Red Oak ( Quercus […]

Jackass Bitters Herb

W165 Jackass Bitters Neurolaena lobata Native to Belize but also found between Mexico and Peru. The plant has dark green leaves and makes a beautiful plant. Easy to grow from seeds. Can be used as container plant that is easily cared for. If you live in an area that has a year round warm climate, […]

Jim’s Favorite Carrot Seeds

Carrots Seed Useful gardening information Carrots require soft, fertile soil to produce roots of the finest quality. It is important that the soil be finely broken up to the full depth of the carrot roots and remain in porous condition until the crop is harvested. May be sown in succession from early spring to mid-summer […]

Jim’s Favorite Garden Cucumber Vegetable Seeds

Monoecious. A cucumber for all your needs. National produces short thick cukes with blunt ends that are perfect for pickles and also delicious for slicing in salads. Cucumbers average 6″ and are slightly tapered to fit nicely in a pickle jar. Skin is medium green with some striping. A heavy producer. Black spines. Developed by […]

Unusual and Exotic Vine Seeds From Around the World

Our list of Exotic and Unusual Vine Seeds from around the world. LET095 Bridal Creeper ( Asparagus asparagoides ‘Smilax’ ) Originally native to eastern and southern Africa, this easily grown, scrambling vine is popular worldwide as an ornamental and widely cultivated as an ornamental vine. It is commonly used in floral arrangements or home decorating. […]

Jim’s Favorite Swiss Chard Seeds

Swiss Chard Seeds Useful gardening information Planting Tips:Seeds are scattered in the row 1/2 to 1 inch deep. In home gardens or market gardens, chard seedlings should be thinned to a 3-inch spacing between plants. Thinnings can be eaten cooked, or raw in salads. Rows should be spaced 2 to 3 feet apart. One standard […]

CBN May Protect Against Neurodegenerative Diseases

A recent study has found that cannabinol (CBN), a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, can defend brain cells against cell death – common in people with neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and similar forms of dementia. Cannabinol is molecularly similar to THC but is only mildly psychoactive. It is found in […]

Jim’s Favorite Garden Vegetable Early Pea Seeds

Pea is a frost-hardy, cool-season vegetable that can be grown throughout most of the United States, wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists. For gardening purposes, peas may be classified as garden peas (English peas), snap peas and snow peas (sugar peas). Garden pea varieties have smooth or wrinkled seeds. The smooth-seeded varieties tend […]

Seeds for Lawn and Shrub Plants

3352 Fragrant False Indigo ( Amorpha nana ) A compact erect shrub with green foliage. Leaves are alternate, odd-pinnate up to 1-4 inches long. The fragrant pink flowers appear in May through July. The pink flowers have a delightful honey fragrance. Excellent container plant for use as a fragrant houseplant, and does well outside in […]