561 Videos

RLP154 Parodia Sanguinea

An excellent cacti for small clay pots. Small growth is cylindrical to 5″ tall and about 3″ thick. Has dazzling blood red flowers and is very much maintaince free. Best grown inside in bright light, will not survive freezes outside. Source link

Seedman’s Catnip Seeds

A very easy to grow plant for pots, baskets and gardens. Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family. It has a square, hairy stalk with typically gray green colored heart shaped leaves that have scalloped edges. Flowers grow in spikes, reaching 1/2 inch in length. It is best known for its ability to […]

Seedman’s Great Burdock Seeds

Great Burdock Seeds Burdock plants grow along roadsides, in open fields, at the edges of woods, and anywhere ground has been disturbed just as most thistles would. Because it is a biennial, the first year Burdock only forms a cluster of large leaves. The large leaves grow from a carrot-like root that can penetrate over […]

Seedman’s Pepper Seed Supply

LET344 Buena Mulata ( 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units, somewhat hot pepper ) The Buena Mulata Pepper is beautiful ornamental hot pepper that ripens from a vivid violet to zesty orange, then to deep red! Beyond their ornamental beauty, the Buena Mulata is a surprising culinary pepper too. This old heirloom variety traces back […]

Seedman’s Pepper Seed Supply

LET344 Buena Mulata ( 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heat units, somewhat hot pepper ) The Buena Mulata Pepper is beautiful ornamental hot pepper that ripens from a vivid violet to zesty orange, then to deep red! Beyond their ornamental beauty, the Buena Mulata is a surprising culinary pepper too. This old heirloom variety traces back […]

Seedman’s Pepper Seed Supply

Slender, sweet, 10 to 12 inch fruits change from light green to yellow and finally to bright red. A perfect choice for fresh eating, pickling or frying, this rare heirloom is from Turkey and has a very rich, sweet flavor. Harvest edible green fruits in as little as 55 days or allow to fully mature […]

Seedman’s Pepper Seed Supply

Slender, sweet, 10 to 12 inch fruits change from light green to yellow and finally to bright red. A perfect choice for fresh eating, pickling or frying, this rare heirloom is from Turkey and has a very rich, sweet flavor. Harvest edible green fruits in as little as 55 days or allow to fully mature […]

Seedman’s Pepper Seed Supply

Slender, sweet, 10 to 12 inch fruits change from light green to yellow and finally to bright red. A perfect choice for fresh eating, pickling or frying, this rare heirloom is from Turkey and has a very rich, sweet flavor. Harvest edible green fruits in as little as 55 days or allow to fully mature […]

Seedman’s Self Heal Seeds

Self Heal Seeds Heal-All is edible and medicinal, can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb. Used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world, and for just about every ailment known to man, Heal-All is something of a panacea, it does seem to […]

Seedman’s Sorrel Seeds

Sorrel Seeds Useful gardening infomation Sorrel is a cool-season perennial often grown as an annual. Sorrel can be grown from seed sown in the garden as early as 2 to 3 weeks before the average last frost date in spring. Sorrel will be ready for harvest 60 days after sowing. Plant sorrel in full sun. […]

Seedman’s Tarragon Seeds

Tarragon Seeds This perennial thrives in hot, barren soils and grows about anywhere. It is native to northwestern United States, Russia and Asia, and it is closely related to sagebrush. It is both a medicinal herb as well as a popular culinary herb. Tarragon plants can reach 60 inches in height, and they have thin, […]