Hip Hop Legend Frost talks about his last conversation with Eazy-E, how he found out Eazy had HIV, and how Eazy got the disease. http://igg.me/at/ForTheRecordDoc/x
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Directed By: John F.U.
Produced By: Sandra Varona & Val Valdez
Email us: fortherecord.documentary@gmail.com
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Kid Frost went off
You gotta respect the real
Frost being a latino u can tell had love for E
Damn Frost is he saying suge, dre or Jerry
5:56 much respect for not giving AF and standing for what you believe all the other rappers that know things just keep quiet and be Pussy this guy is a G he's like come get me
Inject suge son with same dose.
Send msg to suge in prison let's se how he feels.
Go on TV like suge did and copy the words he said
He may know hip hop history but he certainly doesn’t know the AIDS virus. This is full on conspiracy. Sorry.
I have had HIV for over twenty years, its impossible to get HIV/AIDS in the manner this man is talking about the virus would never have been able to be infective once it gets outside the body its basically dead, also viruses cant "live" on metal more than a couple hours at the most in perfect laboratory conditions and an acupuncture center isn't perfect lab conditions..
Also, acupuncture needles dont penetrate deep enough to get enough viral blood on them and once they are placed back in their containers and redrawn there would be no way anyone could get it. It's a cover story.
He could have gotten it through IV drug use or sex. Unless he had a blood transfusion those would be the ONLY ways to get HIV without being born with it. I understand Frost believes this and that is ok, Eazy is gone but we need to stop stigmatizing people with the illness, its not the same illness anymore. I take one pill a day and have never in twenty years had any problems and there is absolutely no way I can give the virus to anyone else Undetectable = Untransmitable.
I feel him on Eazy E but Tupac got taken out by Keefe D and Orlando Anderson as the shooter. Biggie probably by corrupt LAPD and LA gangbangers. A big reason why dudes who say fuck the government get taken out in hip hop are probably cause those are some the dudes with the biggest balls.
That guy lied to this guy that's talking because bronchitis doesn't turn into tuberculosis
LOL…He got a tainted acupuncture needles…then a few WEEKS later. Not years…weeks he dies….OMG. probably not. Great story though.
ILL BILL says it to pham
yeah, suge and puffy work for the cia bro
This isn’t true. Eazy left the hospital in February and then went back in again in March.
That's the same thing Eazy E's son said.
He ain’t calling Suge for this ,is he ? Can’t be ! Suge ain’t smart enough to pull any of this off Eazy ,Tupac, maybe the biggie shit but the after math he would’ve folded , ,he is not the plan and patiently wait for his enemy to die , smh, he is the send someone and shot you after party type tho, the person that Eazy like that wouldn’t not kick a man on the ground on camera sending his dumb ass to prison for 7 years , it’s bigger then Suge
Wow .. Salute , should have said the name drag the dark into the light ,Salut you for your truth ,
PAC didn’t say “I gotta hit you with a hot PACk”
He said Hit you with a hot Track , a song , some that other stuf sounded on point tho
He making a lot of sense
Everyone saying he's had it for years he just ignored the symptoms come on get real ever seen a person with aids he wasn't losing weight he wasn't getting sick he had no signs of getting it his baby mommas and kids never got it so obviously he got injected with it
Hiv virus is got there guys no cure for it yet in prison ,blood banks , sex , sharing needles ,it real and it's very much alive STAY SAFE IT NOT JUST FOR THE Gay community its everywhere
In 2011, an unsealed FBI document linked both Eazy-E and Tupac Shakur to an alleged extortion attempt by the Jewish Defense League — who Jerry Heller, former N.W.A manager and Ruthless Records co-founder had employed.
The report stated, "On September 11, 1996 [omitted] reported that JDL, and others yet unidentified have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats. The scheme involves [omitted] and other subjects making telephonic death threats to the rap star. Subjects then intercede by contacting the victim and offering protection for a 'fee.' Source reported that ERIC WRIGHT, also known as EAZY-E, who owned RUTHLESS RECORDS, Woodland Hills, California, was a victim of this extortion scheme prior to dying from AIDS. [Omitted] had also reportedly targeted TUPAC SHAKUR prior to his recent murder in Las Vegas, Nevada."
He got it like anyone else does: gay secs
Na ain't how he got it.. makes a good story tho
Get a real source of fame…..
Suge Knight
Could it have been an incorrect diagnosis? The actual 'treatments' for AIDS is what kills most people.
You think they injected him with it?
Doesn’t seem he understands how AIDS works. Once you contract HIV you can go years without knowing you even have it unless you do tests. Once your immune system falls to a certain amount, you’re at the stage of AIDS and it can kill pretty quickly. Also, he died when the disease was still unknown and medicine for it was not in existence.
The people that did it ain't going to sniper you. The jobs done. They on the next generation now
All the respect and all the likes but non of use are doing anything about. I would go and fight for the truth
Eazy died of Covid.
Quite a theory.
3:55 Suge Knight?
Bro kid frost….TRUE FKN O.G.!
Suge knight
Aids dosen't kill u..its other things you die from cuz your immune system is weak..
I believe it. And I dont even know rapp history but from what I have seen on the east coast, They will kill you in a blink
That's why part of Tupac's last album is "Don Killuminati."
People think words about the Enlightened Ones are conspiracy. That's right — a factual conspiracy. I think people really need to look up that word "conspiracy." It doesn't mean what most of the people arguing against them mean.
Our entire reality is rigged in front of our very eyes — and the ones who are going to talk are the ones they take care of. 🙁
Rap is garbage. Especially Hispanic rap. Im Hispanic and I can’t stand that crap.
They act like they’re making a difference in the world or something.
Uh, no. He got it from fucking a bunch of girls before anyone knew that AIDS was a thing. Why would you be careful if a serious disease wasn’t a concern? Same way all kinds of people got it at first.
My theory was always suge knows
Frost is right. You get out of the system they wack you out like the fucking Mafia used to do. Its branches were rooted so deep it simply has "evolved" within the system.
Dang I believe everything he just said.
Bro if you think about gang bangers who really on mission to kill.. you’d spend some time at the range… when you are the one creeping up on the enemy you are prepared to aim and kill…
Right. The gov killed them all just like x and jfk and etc.. it’s all rich guys who control the gov.
Right. All were killed by government. Not a secret at all.