How To Deal With Weed Breath
Smoking cannabis is fun, but it’s a smelly endeavour. The unmistakable aroma gets everywhere – in your clothes, hair, skin, and breath. We’ve looked at ways to tackle weed smell in the past, and we’ve seen some reasonable solutions. But what can you do about getting the odour from your breath? Without further ado, let’s look at some of the best tactics (or maybe that should be TicTacs?) for how to deal with weed breath.
What Causes Weed Breath?
Weed causes weed breath. There’s more to it than that, obviously. Specifically, smoking marijuana causes weed breath, and some weed smokers don’t even realise they have weed breath. Cannabis flower is an aromatic substance – all those wonderful terpenes combine to make quite the bouquet. When you smoke it, that smell binds to your saliva, and transfers to your breath. You can take as much care as you like with your clothing, handwashing and all the other places on your person that the reek clings to, but if you neglect your breath and get up close and personal with someone, they’re still going to know.
It’ll come as no newsflash that smoking is a dangerous business. With risks to lungs, cardiovascular health and more all well-documented, it goes without saying that it’s an extremely unhealthy habit. But smoking remains the number one method of cannabis use. Even if you don’t roll your joints with tobacco, and even if you filter your joints, it’s still hazardous to your health. But we’re not here to preach.
Smoking weed or vaping leads to xerostomia (the medical term for the cottonmouth stoners experience), which can lead to bad breath. This happens because one of the ways THC interacts with the body is by decreasing saliva production, which in turn leads to a dry mouth. Unfortunately, a dry mouth is an ideal breeding ground for the buildup of bacteria that cause bad breath. Saliva ordinarily washes away those bacteria, so stinky breath is never far behind when your mouth dries up.
Solutions to Deal With Weed Breath
A no-brainer, this one. Popping a peppermint is an excellent idea for several reasons. First, mints are portable, so if you’re a regular toker, it’s easy to carry a pack in your pocket for when you’re on the go. Sucking on a mint or chewing gum is a two-pronged attack every weed-smoker should consider in their fight against weed breath.
You’ll immediately stimulate saliva production and add a layer of flavour to mask any cannabis odours straight away. Cheap, easy, effective and portable.
Arguably less portable than mints or gum (unless you have massive pockets) but effective nonetheless. If you keep a bottle in your car or your bag, a quick swig will fight the weed stench and dry mouth pretty fast. Remember to gargle, rinse, and spit, not swallow.
On the plus side, you’ll get a gold star from your dentist since mouthwash is excellent for gum health.
Brush Those Teeth
Even less portable than mouthwash, but an ideal solution if you’re at home. If mom and pop are coming for a visit and you’ve just had a quick puff, give your teeth a quick brush, and the overwhelming mintiness of the toothpaste will take care of the breath smells faster than your granny can say “give me a kiss”.
Drink Plenty
You should keep yourself well hydrated if you’re a cannabis smoker. You must stave off that darn cottonmouth first and foremost to combat bad breath as a smoker. Water won’t necessarily have a masking effect on weed breath; you’re better off chugging on a fruit-flavoured drink instead.
Avoid coffee, though, because while it may mask your weed breath nicely, coffee breath isn’t going to be much more pleasant at close quarters.
Suck on Candy
Like mints, hard candy or fruit-flavoured sweets are a saviour in your fight against the smell of weed on your breath. They’re easy to obtain, portable, and will automatically stimulate saliva production, which is, of course, the first step in combating breath issues. Throw in a sweet fruity flavour, and you get the double whammy of a pleasant masking effect.
Munch on Fruit
Whether you’re at home or on the move, grab some fruit as an excellent way to handle that funky green honk. Apples are fine, but citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines or berries are even better. You’ll immediately ramp your saliva production, and the citrusy flavour will kick that weed smell into touch quick-fast. Better yet, have some mango and potentially prolong your high. You’re welcome!
Stay Away from Tobacco
Clean green may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but adding tobacco as a neutralizer doesn’t do any good for your odour. Try adding mint leaves next time you’re smoking pot, but be aware the terpenes in your cannabis may be reduced by the minty concentrates.
Try a Different Method of Consumption
You can, of course, still get your THC or CBD fix without having to smoke. Doing this immediately nullifies the chance of weed breath, and prevention is always better than cure. Spliffs, pipes, blunts, bongs and vaporizers are all methods of marijuana use guaranteed to deliver weed breath. In fairness, vaporizers aren’t nearly as bad because they don’t burn the weed and are not as bad for producing cottonmouth. But there is a better way to get your buzz – edibles.
Whether you go with gummies, space cakes, muffins, brownies or whatever you can get your hands on from a dispensary, you’re on to a winner. With edibles, you don’t have to inhale anything, so no actual cannabis flower or particles of pure weed are entering your mouth. The result? You still get the THC effect without having to worry about giveaway odours. Sure, it’s a watered-down substitute for the real thing, but if smells are likely to be an issue, it’s a step worth taking.
Then there are edibles. Whether you go with gummies, space cakes, muffins, brownies or whatever you can get your hands on, you’re on to a winner. With edibles, you don’t have to inhale anything, so no actual cannabis flower or particles of pure weed are entering your mouth. The result? You still get the THC effect without having to worry about giveaway odours. Sure, it’s a watered-down substitute for the real thing, but if smells are likely to be an issue, it’s a step worth taking.
Do you have your own tips on how to deal with weed breath? Comment below and share your secrets!
Cultivation information, and media is given for those of our clients who live in countries where cannabis cultivation is decriminalised or legal, or to those that operate within a licensed model. We encourage all readers to be aware of their local laws and to ensure they do not break them.
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