Ice Cube Calls Out Oprah and The View for Blacklisting Him

Ice Cube Calls Out Oprah and The View for Blacklisting Him

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Ice Cube talks to Tucker Carlson about being blacklisted from Oprah and The View.

#TuckerCarlson #IceCube #Oprah #TheView #TV #mainstreammedia #rap #news #politics #blacklisted #shadowban #JoyBehar #freespeech #LA #DonaldTrump



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Comment (39)

  1. Ice cube is nice guy, he tells the truth, I think he knows more than hes saying, like Oprah is a straight up high level witch, second only to Hillary Clinton anyway

  2. You don't need them to promote You or your movie. I'm an elderly white lady, I've seen all your Friday movies and I'm gonna see the last one. Oprah should be ashamed of herself for many reasons. After the stay-at-home white housewives made her famous… she turned into a Racist. Her and all these DC career democrats have black people pursuing reparation all while collecting their hard-earned tax-dollars to send to Slave Masters abroad, aka: Foreign Leaders

  3. Ice Cube is a very intelligent guy. Because he’s an outsider – more people actually listen. It’s the ones who don’t follow like sheep that have the best ideas!

  4. Black men my age (Cube's age) remember how Biden and his ilk treated them i the early 90's.
    He's a pragmatic, intelligent Black man with his own opinion and that doesn't fit the woke narrative. Bless this man.

  5. My old neighbour from 40 years ago called her evil. That was when Oprah first started her chat shows. I laughed at the time…but she was spot on.

  6. Oprah's always been up front about her feelings about Ice Cube and some other rappers, and she did have him on her show and told him straight out: she did not want to support music that was misogynistic, referred repeatedly to women as hos and bitches, and didn't just tell the truth about ghetto life, thug life and violence, but, in her view (a view now shared by many rappers themselves, who regret some of their past work), glorified all of it.
    Whether one shares her views or not, nothing shady about them.

  7. I have always liked Ice Cube…thank you guys for collaborating and showing our current parties how to sit down and talk. The parties need to go away…Sir George Washington warned us of this in the beginning. Parties only divide. Every political candidate should be an independent.

  8. There is something very "off" about Oprah. You have to be careful of someone who has that much money and power that gets their self-worth from those very things.

  9. Warehouse. Tire. Company. Shake Mallory. Logo. Tire. Big truck. Truck cars. Truck. Buffalo. Captain. Alien. Segonia weaver. Movie. Captain. Black. Buffalo. Alien. Mexico smart grocery shopping. Shake Mallory. London. Check. Bett. UFC. Champion. Georgia. St. Peeeiree.. shake dog. Dirty shake army snake. No. House. Cube.

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