Jim’s Favorite Eggplant Vegetable Seeds
Eggplant Seeds
Useful gardening
last frost. Sow seeds 1/4″ deep and provide a soil temperature
of 24-27C (75-80F). Even moisture is essential while the seed
is germinating.
Germination is slow (up to 2 weeks). Gradually harden off
seedlings, but do not allow temperature to go below 15C (60F).
Transplant 18″ apart in beds or rows 20-30″ apart. br>
Eggplants are moderate feeders and do well in very fertile soil
with a pH level of 5.5 to 6.8.
Informative articles found on the
SF364 White Moon Hybrid Eggplant
What a delicious and versatile new eggplant for the garden and container growing. White eggplants have a milder taste normally and this one has a great mild flavor.
Glossy 7″ oblong eggplants, very high yield, tender sweet taste, can also be used as baby green or fully grow plants for huge yields of fruits, 60 days.
SF209 Patio Baby
This natural dwarf plant sets fruit all summer long with an astonishing 25 to 50 eggplants per plant! Best when you pick when just a few inches in diameter, tender and succulent.
2014 All-America Selection winner. The fruit is ready in less than 7 weeks from transplanting the seedlings in spring. Just 2 to 3 inches in diameter, they are a glossy purple so dark it looks black. 60 days.
SF210 Black Enorma Hybrid
Very early with extra large fruits. Black Enorma produces traditional eggplants long before other varieties start setting. Medium sized plants are strong and suited to outdoor and cold frame growing.
30-36 inch tall plants will bear a large harvest of 1 to 1.5 lb glossy, jet-black eggplants, 3-4 plants should provide enough eggplants for a family of four. 75 days.
JB074 Applegreen
Delicious non-bitter variety bred to tolerate the Northeast climate, which is not usually the most hospitable for eggplant. Bright green prolific fruits mature very early with no need to peel. Harvest when goose egg size. Great choice for cool, short seasons.
An American eggplant variety developed 1964 at the University of NH by legendary plant breeder Elwyn Meader.
24″ tall compact plant is ideal for patio, 62 days.
IP283 Dewako One Bite Japanese Baby Eggplant
This small one-bite size Japanese eggplant, hitokuchi nasubi, is a purple-black color with a purple calyx. The fruit weighs about 1/2 ounce and is ideal for pickling. This specialty eggplant is from Dewako in Yamagata Prefecture Japan. 50-60 days.
JB081 Listada de Gandia
Gorgeous Italian heirloom, 3-5″ oval, purple with white stripes, tender, thin skin, 85 days.
FB126 Turkish Orange Eggplant
Unique, brilliant orange, green stripes, tennis ball size, very flavorful, great stuffed, 90 days.
VC271 Oriental Ichiban
An unusual plant that produces
loads of slim, 10″ long eggplant fruits that are a deep purple.
An excellent garden variety with outstanding flavor.
G026 Baby
Miniature, tiny 1″ dark beauties in clusters, for shish-ka-bob,
plant is only 12″ tall, great for tub garden, pink flowers, 45
W172 Casper Eggplant
White, 2 x 6″, eat fresh in early summer, mild flesh, doesn’t need peeling, compact plant for patio pot, 68 days.
W174 Round Mauve Eggplant
4″ round, warm lavender, few seeds, great non bitter eating, compact plant for patio pot, 65 days.
FB125 Striped Toga Eggplant
Stunning 3 x 1″ oval, orange with green stripes, strong mild flavor, holds well as excellent ornamental, 75 days.
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