Lowdown 1989 UK Hip Hop History

Lowdown 1989 UK Hip Hop History



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Comment (37)

  1. Peace and light,wonder what became of the roxy boys?,all these years later look at HIP-HOP!…by the time of this film(89),spats,Covent garden was long gone,Westwood's accent had become a joke,and house and rave was on the increase….hip-hop u.k. was going long before this though,back in 82-86 yangkee Dee was the best beatboxer in london(r.i.p.sipho)…but what do I know,I've only been into hip-hop a year before electro one came out…peace and light.

  2. Raw to the motherfucking floor…Lulz on sticks! Mate nice one on the upload, took me back! , maybe a bit too waaay back…Fuck it…OI MC REU? where you too man? you had some skill.

  3. Classic Uk rap. Just setting up the decks & rapping in the youth center. That's how it was back then just raw & uncut, us kids had nothing except creativity. I miss these times, this is what the real Hip Hop looked like in the UK. Big up Lords Of Rap & all the original UK Hip Hop heads with us still & those that have passed. All the kids we all created something special in every council estate in the UK, we may have been forgotten & never been given the true respect but, we paved the way. The garbage today cannot compare ever.

  4. Minute 16:00 Britcore was taking off… Two years later we in Barcelona were bleeding noses in the dance floor with Silver Bullet, Son Of Noise, Rebel MC, Hijack, London Posse, Demon Boyz and on and on…

  5. Hahaha cute.when UK hip hop was funding it's feet,copying the American accent and clothes. Good documentary I was a big UK hip hop head and I never saw this before. I think UK hip hop was just coming into it's own but got eclipsed by the rave scene.

  6. Oh god I remember when this doc came out, I thought it made the UK hip hop scene look so fkin bad…the only scene that doesn't make me cringe is when the DJ from the Lords of Rap crew starts cutting.

  7. When we was at the peak of our powers the noise we put out was fuckin ruthless and rivalled everything that was about at the time,,,,,,,, we were ghetto machines who made everybody sit up and take note,,,,, forever hippop….


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