J. Cole – Middle Child Remix – Kendrick Lamar, Nipsey Hussle, Joyner Lucas, Chris Brown, Jay Rock [Nitin Randhawa Remix]
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RIP Nipsey 💔
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Lmfao fake ass song
Aurora Melissa McHenry, is, Melissa McHenry, is, Melissa Aurore, is, Rose Feichtmeir, is, Rose Vanderbilt…!!!
Can someone please find a new Joyner Lucas verse on remixes please? I feel like every remix I hear featuring him is always the same
I an here only for Chris
3 years show me a mix better than this. It has everything you could want.
Ayo this right here is immaculate he made this clean asf
This is serious work right here! Wow!
Where's the application lol. Bless yall
Should have Mac on this
I wish xxx was still in the song R.I.P
Now I remember why I never fcked with Drake.
Actual songs? Would love to hear the real songs that made this masterpiece
Yo was gonna say this remix has the same Joyner lucas beat with cuts as a Tyler Herro remix I heard but I just realised you uploaded both of them
You’re doing god’s work. Thank you.
As a middle child I relate
Now hate for a reason I will understand..
When they have no sensible reason to hate you give them one. A sensible one.. Now hate
Killed it Joyner and Kendrick underrated
2:30 joyner won't miss.
RIP NIP!!!!!!!