Music Videos Are Changing

Music Videos Are Changing

Music Videos budgets used to be massive! Then they dropped. Are they on there way back up? Watch this video to get the inside scoop. Also shout out to Director Matt Baron on his new video for Koffee’s new track “W.” An indepth production breakdown is included in this vid.

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Comment (39)

  1. I like most of the analysis but not crazy about the implied association between quality and gear. Better gear expands the range of ideas you can realize, but there's no lack of beautiful shots in film history that were executed with natural light, a bounce board and a camera with fidelity far below what we can currently achieve with our smartphones. If a quality music video still requires people who know what they're doing, it's precisely because they'll help make the right creative choices to work within the limitations of the available gear/budget.

    Also confused about the implication that bigger scale necessarily means a better video. It certainly makes it more movie-like, but music videos are their own art form and a good portion of the ones that became iconic were minimalistic or experimental in nature, like Beyonce's "Single Ladies" or Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares 2 U'.

  2. I have made 4 music video now. Each video has shown a real improvement. Now I am shooting my 5 music video and the preproduction, (cause I have to pay a lot on my own) took me a whole months. It is a no budget music video a crew of 4 guys with me (director) and the singer included, during 3 days of shooting. Nobody is getting paid, but these guys believe in my vision for that video so they help me out. It is a quite elaborate music video concept that I have put together and usually it does demand at least 10000$ to make if everybody was getting paid, with insurance and equpiment and what not.
    But it is feasable and I believe that talented directors have to go some length and investing in their own projects to be recognized as a bankable director for budget shoots.

  3. Great historical account, learnt a ton! While I don't completely agree with the standpoint that lower budget filming gear isn't sufficient enough for music video production nowadays, I fully agree with you that creative narrative is a key element to make a music video stand out. I feel that what makes a 'low budget' video today is the lack of this narrative, which is easily felt and sorely missed by the audience.

  4. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    John 3:16 NKJV

    Thanks, Jesus child for your post
    You are the proof of Jesus
    I thanFor God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    John 3:16 NKJV

    I not force u to accept him becz god even not force anyone to follow him

    Just think without creator how the creation one god is there he created everything and us also so think about God and please him

    After our death no one come with us
    God alone judge us

    U are so special and beauty and precious gods child k God for u
    All glory to God only
    Keep telling Jesus love.

    With holy spirit only u doing this without god we are ntg

  5. How do you get into the world of higher budget music videos though? Luck / networking?

    I’ve grown tired of creating music videos due to most artists, even labels cheaping out on damn near every single budget

  6. Agree to disagree. Maybe just because you operate at a higher level than I do. But I can't afford 10k for a location plus another 2.5k for a permit not including what I'd pay for the video. I make music and record everything in my basement. Just recently took out my "chill spot" and put up drywall. Gonna paint soon. Already purchased a green screen, lights and all that. Location is always something I struggle with so I will always have a place to film soon


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