A pair of fun little TV commercials for Parliament record LPs Funkentelechy Vs. The Placebo Syndrome (1977) and GloryHallaStoopid (Pin The Tale On The Funky) (1979) that incorporates animation by artist Overton Loyd that was originally shown prior to their live shows. Shared for historical purposes. Please like/comment/subscribe.
Overton Loyd (born April 20, 1954) is an African-American artist best known for creating the cover art for the Parliament album Motor Booty Affair and several other records. [1] His style of art varies often from work to work, and can range from loose sketches and paintings to fully fleshed out pieces. He is a friend of George Clinton of Parliament, and most of the subjects for his art are either Clinton or Parliament.[2]
Loyd’s contribution to Motor Booty Affair was considerable. The original LP was released in several different configurations, each taking advantage of Loyd’s unique talents. The main release consisted of a gate-fold album cover, with Loyd’s artwork on the front and back covers. His illustrations included cartoon portraits of some of the “characters” mentioned in the songs on the album, including “Mr. Wiggles the Worm.” There was also a picture disk, with Loyd’s illustration printed directly on the vinyl LP. Finally, there was a special edition that included cardboard cutout figures featuring Loyd’s cartoon illustrations of most of the characters mentioned in the songs.[3]
When Parliament went on tour in support of Motor Booty Affair, Loyd designed costumes for members of the band based on the cartoon illustrations he had made for the album cover.[4]
In 1977, Loyd illustrated a comic book that was included in Parliament’s Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome, portraying the epic battle between Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk and Starchild (see P-Funk mythology). [5] In the cartoon, which echoes the lyrics to the songs on the album, Sir Nose, who is determined not to dance, is ultimately defeated by Starchild, who is equipped with his Bop Gun, when Starchild shines a Flash Light on him.
Loyd was also responsible for the artwork on Bootsy’s Rubber Band’s This Boot Is Made for Fonk-N and Parliament’s Gloryhallastoopid (Or Pin the Tail on the Funky), both released in 1979. -Wikipedia
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I wanna know who animated these
Music featuring two ideologies with two different rival characters fighting for the soul of the human race is beyond genius.
Man, I love this!
Illuminati Symbolism
Black Extraterrestrials are set to return.
That's all their albums were about.
lsd vs coke basically
New Funk https://youtu.be/PgMP-20EoHo
Sir noise d void of funk was sampled on back in one piece
Said it before and I'll say it again – these animated ads and concert vinnetes need to be released in their entirety.
This is art, music history.
This is the most 70s thing I've ever seen.
thrill-seeking drug addicts…
A P-Funk Adult Swim series would be incredible!
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
Need more.
George Clinton's extraordinary genius is yet to — and may never — be fully recognized.
1:10 She's the most beautiful female character in the world ♥️♥️♥️
Forget Hamilton, the Parliament v. Sir Nose D Voidoffunk musical would blow up, and have the baddest ass music Broadway’s ever seen.
I am that age that I remember seeing the first funkentelektly commercial. Lol
Fun-Fact: The Placebo Syndrome as described in Funkentelechy Vs. The Placebo Syndrome is allegorical for consumerism and listening to disco music, which George Clinton sees as a simplification of funk music in attempt to gain commercial success.
Casablanca records was so innovative at matching music to concepts. ie Parliament, KISS, The Village People, Angel.
with Ken Nordine narrating. So 70s.
Anybody else remember “creativity”?
this looks so gorgeous.
Holy shit I remember this commercial THE first one
The second half looks like it was done by Ralph Bakshi
Everything on the one.
What if they had made this instead of yellow submarine
I had a power hitter ( 420 ) that was the bop- gun . Great times!!!
It was dope set of commercials…"Dr Funkenstein"
Far out man
This must have been produced by Casablanca. Wow.
Funkentelechy Vs The Placebo Syndrome is in my top 5 albums og all-time. Plus, I draw so the liner notes, illustrations was a Bonus!!
I thought this was a commercial for funky cigarettes
I need a whole 1 hour movie of this please.
@1:09 she sho is thicc