Protesters, footballers worldwide show solidarity, demand justice for George Floyd

Protesters, footballers worldwide show solidarity, demand justice for George Floyd

Protesters took the streets in a number of cities, including London and Copenhagen, while footballers in Germany displayed their solidarity with anti-racism demonstrations in the US over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in Minneapolis after a white police officer pressed his knee on his neck.

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Comment (41)

  1. Oh no another cry babies. Floyd was a violent person. Stupid people. He didnt deserve to die the way he did but we didnt do it you not call for help. If you do i hope you dont get it. Stupid racist pep

  2. They're not protesters, they're rioters. And people taking the knee aren't showing solidarity, they're kneeling in subjugation. Before blindly following the crowd, people should have the intelligence to actually read the BLM's manifesto.

  3. This is NOT ONLY about BLM, or George Floyd. This is about the inequality, and oppression of the people around the world. The police state in America, and the elite's views worldwide that they can make whatever laws they want, and do whatever they want without consequence is what the people have seen constantly for decades. Currently we have two classes of people in the world. 1, the elite that are free to do whatever they want, they control the banks, corporations, and pay off governments for their own benefit. 2. The working class that see their human rights being oppressed, or ignored altogether are frustrated, and are now lashing out. They see their incomes ability to sustain their lives being eroded to the point that many working families are forced to live with other family members, or are now living on the streets. This is what I see as the root of the problems now being protested throughout the world. This is the problem that must be resolved before the situation grows out of control.

  4. Watching this from third world countries, where are your protests when this happens hundreds of times everyday in our country? Nobody even picks up a pen for us, we are forced to drink our tears when rich governments make deals with our government and we are forced to watch our nations die. Are we less important than America for you?
    No offence but you need to be told how billions of poor people look at you.

  5. )) To all communist and dictators countries and regions, thank you for your protesting that when a Blackman was killed by misconduct of a white police. Thank you for letting the world know the true freedom of America. I heard that there are many concentration camps and barbarism in your country, whether they are ethnic minorities or your own people. However, now you are learning to speak out about humanity. Your own countrymen have no say, and their death is not important. So thank you for learning to speak and spread the true value of freedom. The world will be full of hope now because the communists and dictators countries as now understanding the value of humanity. Yes, continue to protest for us to wake up your own countrymen. "Long live freedom, Long Live America, long live all democracies."

  6. these people have attacked the police department, banks and large chain stores, all of which belong to the Illuminati. The Federal Reserve must be attacked, which is the home of these criminals.

  7. France, England, Germany, and you athletes, where is your solidarity when Falun Gong have their organs harvested while still alive? Where are you when they destroy churches and kill Christians? Where are your voices when the CCP imprisons the Uyghur people? You are silent. Nowhere to be found!

  8. I think you should stop this now .I Know it is hard to forget George floyd's death but we cannot do justice to him while rioting .I am from Srilanka ,we didn't breathe for 30 years.we all live matters due to the civil war here. Now we live in peace.The peace is everything . See now all the white people are with you .You all need to be patient.'"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule". Quote by lord buddha. WE ALL ARE HUMAN BEINGS

  9. If all lives matter then you can admit that black lives matter too. It isn’t about alienating any group, it’s about unifying the human race so that cosmetic appearances aren’t what cause division anymore. As a fellow human being, regardless of what you believe in, I want to wish everyone great health, love & prosperity. To get ahead, none of us have to be left behind. We should embrace & acknowledge that everyone that inhabits this planet should have the ability to live and contribute to it.

  10. The whole thing is just a scapegoat taking advantage of George floyd death the real rascist is in their blood and here i mean institutionalized shit this is real deal stop sweeping reality under the carpet myself i don't toralate these ganging up bullshit lets confront the day to day rascism first beating about the bush is also not a solution i never leave a day without rascism to me it has become a culture i just learned how to leave with it
    the idiots are outright sickening and provocative trying to put YOU in trouble because in Europe till today there are no laws thats describes rascisim and the regulations
    Am speaking as victim on a regular basis in other words daily harassment i have small kids and the way i,ve seen the situation am i will be there for my kids am not going anywhere kill me
    Sometimes am scared to leave my premises in other word scared of confrontations
    You can never win against a rascist in the court of law they are known and protected try as a man of colour they even come infront of your face a tell you nyeeenyenyenyenyeeee watcha gonna do speaking from own experience
    They are protected by the state

  11. In Africa the cry is "Africa for Africans" and there is a push to get rid of minorities. I have also never seen a black in Africa stand up to this discrimination.

    Let's face the fact that if African Americans where the majority, they would kill and burn the whites out of America and not a single black would say anything against it just as they dont in Africa.

  12. Qualified Immunity Act to eliminate qualified immunity and restore Americans' ability to obtain relief when police officers violate their constitutionally secured rights.

  13. It's Washington DC vs The Ununited States of America.
    Why do you think it's called "The White House."
    The "protesters" are actually voting with peace and rage. They are tired of losing every time they vote for Democrat or Republican. Hopefully, the States will unite, and throw Washington DC out of the country.

  14. Thank you all for doing this, I have tears in my eyes as I type this. You all didn't have to do this and yet , you all did. Even if you did not protest in the street but show solidarity online. Again, I say thank you.
    If you are an American ( u..s citizen ) please be careful .A some people, even few undercover cops want peaceful protest it to turn violent. They even have random brick placed in strange non construction areas.

    Also, people, please if you are afraid to protest ( us citizens) please make your vote count. Not only when it comes to voting for a president but to the Goveners, Congresswomen/men, sheriff's, etc.
    Vote in the people that will help bring positive change to your city,state and town.

    Also, also (sorry)please contact your current police department, congressmen/women, sheriff's etc. Saying how you want the police to have better, longer training and more consequences. Ex. As in when it comes to repeatedly harming civilians, then getting fired from on station and then getting hired in the next station not do happen anymore. We need more people like Arron Neville for example. Do not let blm be in vain.


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