Protoje – Camera Show (Official Audio) || A Matter Of Time

Track 10 from Protoje’s fourth studio album A MATTER OF TIME available now at

Overstand Entertainment/In.Digg.Nation Collective
Produced by Winta James (@wintafreshness)
Visuals by Designr Studios (@dezignrstudios)

Purchase the album A MATTER OF TIME here:
Also available on LP / Vinyl

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Comment (26)

  1. 2021 Still in my playlist. Feels like the video could do with an update. So many new, news stories that this song applies to. Tune like this will always be relevant to what's going on around.

  2. But where is the Evidence where this indeed that was done?
    I will tell you that this person says this person say's that that person has said this? But where is the evidence?
    When there are changes without evidence? "I can tell you that you can take your complaint to the International League of Sexual Reform (SIC).
    This is a conversation that has no subject.
    Put something on the table that we all can look and respond, but there isn't anything like that.
    One of the latest attacks as far as I know was against The Pipeline System in The US.
    Right you say So what? As far as I know The Shareholder of this Company, even made the decision to pay the Ransom. They paid off The Cyber Gangsters.
    If you have listed an entire a set of US Special Services (Powerful, Global, Respectable) After all they can find whoever the Ransom was paid. And once they have done that they will see Russia has nothing to do with it.
    It's becoming farcical, like an ongoing farcical thing, never ending farcical thing. You have said plenty of evidence but you haven't cited any proof.
    But again this is an empty conversation. A pointless Conversation. What exactly are we talking about? There's no proof.
    You know the simplest thing to do Would be able to sit down calmly and agree on joint work space in Cyberspace?
    We did suggest this to your Obama's Administration. We started in September and by October they still hadn't said anything, at first.
    But in November they came back to us and said that it was interesting.Then the Election was lost. We reinstated the proposal to Trumps Administration. It came back that it was interesting but it did not come to the point of actual negotiations.There is grounds we can build an effort in this area, with the New Administration.Though the Domestic Political Interest prevents this from happening. But we have proposed to do this together. Let's agree on the Principles of mutual work. Let's Agress how we will structure Counter-efforts. Against the processes that are gathering momentum.
    We in Russia have Cybercrimes that have increased in many times over the past few years. Within the Country. If we find them we punish them.
    We are willing to participate with International participants, including The United States.
    You are the one's that have refused to engage in joint work. What can we do? If we cannot build this work or structure unilaterally.
    The Journo: But if you want to clearly negotiate, you must have something to negotiate with?You don't ask for a Truce unless you are fighting in A War.
    Honourable President Vladimir Putin: You know as far as the WAR. NATO and I'd like to draw your attention to that. Has Officially stated that it considers that CyberSpace a battlefield, an Area of Military Action & it conducts exercises in that battlefield. No No Russia is not fighting on that battlefield that is correct.That is not current but really if wanted to do that. NATO considers that an Area of Combat. And it even prepares and conducts exercises there. What stops us from doing that? If you do that we will do the same thing. Just like we don't want Space Militarised. In the same Space we don't want Cyberspace to be Militarised.And we have suggested on many occasions. Agreeing on Mutual Work in the Cyber Security in this Area. But your Government refuses to.
    What we count on that nobody should interfere with Domestic Internal Affairs of other Countries. Neither The US in ours nor we in The USA's Political, processes or any other Nations.
    All Nations of the World should be given an opportunity to develop calmly. Deven if there are crisis situations they need to be resolved, by the people domestically, without any influence or interferences from the outside. I don't think that this call by The US Administration. Today's Administration is worth anything. It appears to me that The US Government will still continue to interfere in The Political Processes in other Countries. I don't think that this this process can be stopped, because it has gained a lot of Momentum. However as far as joint work in Cyberspace, for the prevention of some unacceptable on the actions of Cyber Criminals.That is something we both can agree upon.And it is our great hope that we will be able to establish this process, with our US Partners. You mean if I were in America what would I be afraid of? Is that the question? You know this is like Space Militarisation & this is a very dangerous area. At some point in order to achieve a something in the Nuclear Area, In terms of confrontation in the terms of Nuclear Weapons. The USSR & The United States did agree to contain this particular Arms Race. But Cyberspace is a very sensitive Area. As of today a great deal of Human Endeavours, rely on digital Technologies. Including the functioning of Government. And of course interferences in those processes can cause a lot of damage and a lot of losses.And everybody understands that. And I am repeating for the third time let's sit down together and agree on joint work. On how to achieve Security in this Area. That is all. What is bad about it? I don't understand. I'm not asking you. I'm not trying to put you on the spot. But for me as an ordinary Citizen it would not be clear & understandable. Why is it that The United States Government Refuses to do it? Accusations keep coming including up to interference. Involvement in a Cyber-Attack against some kind of Meat Processing Plant? But our proposal to begin negotiations in this Area have been turned down. This is some kind of nonsense but that is exactly what is happening. i repeat one more time that it is my hope that we will be able to start engaging in positive work in this Area. In terms of what's to be afraid of? Why is it that we suggest on agreeing on something. Because what people in America are worried about in America. The very same thing can be a danger to us. The US is a high Tech Country. NATO has declared Cyberspace an Area of Combat. That means they are planning something they are preparing something. So obviously this cannot but worry us. But I bear in mind that this is a possibility. Thank you Honourable President Vladimir Putin.

  3. As a woman who has been sexually assaulted several times, from being raped to random guys walking up to me and groping me, and being beaten for no reason by a past boyfriend, the lyrics to this give me goose bumps every time I listen when he says: "Empower the woman, empower the nation, no longer will be mistaken, awaken." Thank you Protege for being woke to the sexual violence against women, Dumbass Trump's lies and Israel's abuse of Palestinians. You are such an amazing lyricist. I love this song, in a bitter sweet way.

  4. Love this song, but the visual is the OPPOSITE of reality!! Lmao.

    Trump & Americans are LITERALLY trying to defend their freedoms AGAINST BIG TECH!!! Their media & their monopolies!!! Americans are the last free nation on this planet. If we let them lose…..????? There is NOWHERE ELSE TO RUN!!!

    No place on the entire planet exists that allows FREEDOM. NOWHERE!!!



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