Raw Video: Police Force Moves Into Area Near 5th Precinct

Raw Video: Police Force Moves Into Area Near 5th Precinct

Mike Max was on scene when the police force moved into an area in South Minnepolis with multiple businesses on fire (5:53). WCCO 4 News – May 29, 2020



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Comment (19)

  1. 7/7/2020. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released a video Sunday that described more than three months of riots as an “uprising = Domestic Terrorists over centuries of racial neglect and oppression.”

    You know what? Let’s give her some credit for calling this three-plus month terror campaign at the hands of the DNC terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa what it is — an uprising.

    I prefer “terrorist uprising led by a mob of over-privileged crybabies.”

    Nevertheless, what we still have here is a U.S. congresswoman legitimizing three-plus months of domestic terrorism, almost all of it aimed at innocent Americans, many of them black. Elected leaders with a national platform normalizing political terrorism are unprecedented, so every American must prepare before it is too late.

    And then, there is her garbage about racial neglect and oppression.


    Neglect? I don’t even know what that means. There are only two major political parties in America, and one of them is devoted to pandering to the POC. What is more, the GOP finally has a president looking to earn the black and Hispanic vote.

    Yeah, there is so much racial oppression; white people are pretending to be racial minorities to make the bank that comes with all that oppression.

    And then, there is this crap: “a system that does not provide the most basic necessities, like food, shelter, and medicines.”

    Our system not only provides all of that on the cuff; our system provides free Internet, cable TV, iPhones, air conditioning, clothes, transportation, libraries, and education.

    Unless you are mentally ill or a hopeless addict, a homeless problem that plagues only Democrat-run cities where Democrats like Ilhan Omar have full control over everything, there is no one in America who does not live better than the very rich did a mere hundred years ago.

    The most significant medical crisis among the Americans poor people is obesity (too much food).

  2. If a military force opens fire on public will be the tipping point..very wreckless to flex on pissed off American activists..arrest them all day but whats up with 200 assault riffles? Dumb move if you are looking for peace

  3. In police vs rioters Americans have no one to root for. One side is criminal thugs, the other side is goons who arrest people for going to church on Easter Sunday.
    The only people who deserve any consideration are the folks whose stores are being burned and looted. Even they only deserve sympathy if they learn from this and stop voting for the Democrats whose policies create criminal thugs and oppressive goons.

  4. Secret societies all believe in several things. But one of the main beliefs is…Order out of chaos. Their new imposed order, by creating chaos or at least severe disorder. Secret societies always use four main paths to create the prerequisite chaos they need to install their new order:
    1) War or Invasion
    2) Revolutionn
    3) Economic severe turmoil, if possible with a panic…where the
    currency itself becomes next to worthless
    4) Widespread pestilence

    Jeffrey J Smith New York

  5. There's a big difference between protesting and rioting and looting. If you are creating mayhem, braking into buildings and stealing you are rioting and looting. If you are blocking roadways that are used in Interstate Commerce you are committing a Federal crime. If you are braking into transport vessels you are committing a Federal crime. Trucks, trailers, rail cars are transport vehicles/vessels and stealing from them can cause you to spend up to 10 years in a Federal penitentiary and fined up to $5000.


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