Real DJโ€™s use REELS.

Real DJโ€™s use REELS.

Please consider thinking about a plan to smash the button that has the icon with the thumb pointing in the upward direction. ๐Ÿ‘

#djs #tapereels #oldskool #breaks



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Comment (13)

  1. I used to chop up cassettes to make loops and mix cassettes together by slowing down the spindles before I could afford decks. Gotta use what you got, and the effort and creativity he's using ( 40 odd years ago remember) would leave these button pushers for dead.

  2. At that time there was no Record shops in Latvia (former soviet union) where you could buy vinyls with fresh dance music.
    Music was "imported" and copied "illegally" tru various sorces.
    Only way to for western dance/club music to spred was by copying it from reel to reel. Guys modified their equipment, added variable speed option to be able to beatmach tracks and so on. Those guys was true pioneers of "modern" djing at that time and place where they builded their own sound systems, orginize parties, and bringed "western" club club culture behind "iron curtain"โ€ฆ
    Yung generation never will understand these because everything are already "done" for them where "djยดing" in nowdays became like another consumer form of "expression" where ready products and services are sold for "wannabee" generationโ€ฆ

  3. Was this in a competition? Would explain why he's throwing the kitchen sink into it. Also i think the video is chopped up, making his set seem more disjointed than it was. All said, I'm impressed.

  4. I think sometimes people forget, with all the computer-enhanced equipment, equalizers, tuners, Auto-correctors, and Auto-loopers, that the art of DJ'ing was not about being perfectly on beat or having the loudest, cleanest tracks. It was about expression through the use of sampling from other artists and splicing them together in a way that had never been done before. It would be the equivalent of using stencils for spraypaint art, which is now highly regarded as a legitimate form of artwork. Sure, he's not the best. Sure he looks a little goofy. But can we take a moment and recognize that this man did something that most of us never even conceived possible and made it work!? Respect your Elders.


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