Seedman’s Self Heal Seeds

Self Heal Seeds

Heal-All is edible and medicinal, can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb. Used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world, and for just about every ailment known to man, Heal-All is something of a panacea, it does seem to have some medicinal uses that are constant. The plants most useful constituents are Betulinic-acid, D-Camphor, Delphinidin, Hyperoside, Manganese, Oleanolic-acid, Rosmarinic-acid, Rutin, Ursolic-acid, and Tannins. The whole plant is medicinal as alterative, antibacterial, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, stomachic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary. A cold water infusion of the freshly chopped or dried and powdered leaves is a very tasty and refreshing beverage, weak infusion of the plant is an excellent medicinal eye wash for sties and pinkeye. It is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhoea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. Clinical analysis shows it to have an antibacterial action, inhibiting the growth of pseudomonas, Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi, which supports its use as an alternative medicine internally and externally as an antibiotic and for hard to heal wounds and diseases. It is showing promise in research for cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and many other maladies.

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Useful gardening information

Fall plant or cold stratify at 40F for 1 month for best results. Sow seeds just below the soil surface at 70F and water.

Links to useful information on the web:

Herb to Know: Self-Heal

Self Heal remedies

IP185 Self Heal ( Prunella vulgaris )

Self Heal is a native wildflower that can be grown most anywhere, requiring only a little extra water in very dry conditions. Self Heal is both edible and medicinal. It can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb.
Used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world, and for just about every ailment known to man, Self Heal is somewhat of a supposed cure-all, but does seem to have quite a number of medicinal uses that are constant.
The leaves contain an effective astringent, helpful in stopping blood flow from a wound. Clusters of purple flowers attract butterflies.
A perennial for zones 4-9.

Note: These seeds need to be cold statified before sowing for best germination.

We recommend using the Seedman’s Cold Stratification Kits for cold stratification.

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Click on the Contact Form link, place “Tip” in the name line and fill in your information. If we accept your Self Heal growing tip or recipe, we will post it on this page.

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