Styles P feat. Pharoahe Monch – My Life

Styles P feat. Pharoahe Monch – My Life

Styles P feat. Pharoahe Monch – My Life



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Comment (21)

  1. Hey, who wants to turn to Jesus and live for him and obey everything he says? This life is temporary once you die you spend eternity in one of two places so choose heaven or hell. Jesus loved you to die for you. He says you all are valuable if you turn from your sins he will bless you like never before and he wants to call you son or daughter but whenever you sin you choose hell and choose to hate God. Now you may say I'm a good person which is actually not true (Mark 10:18). But did you know that not even forgiving others is enough to send you to hell. Jesus is very serious about sin in fact Jesus says most people go to hell and few enter heaven (Mathew 7:13-14). No sin is worth going to hell for when someone goes to hell you can never escape your there forever and you will feel the pain forever . It's not worth it You can live in heaven forever where Jesus serves you food and you can be in God's presence forever where you're never sad or depressed and have a mansion as well. There is Good news If you come to Jesus humbly and confess your sins and beg him for mercy and forgiveness he will forgive you. But you can't continue to willfully sin (Hebrews 10:26) Because Jesus also says if you love me keep my commandments (John 14:15) you immediately need to repent from all your sins Jesus says to repent or perish (Luke 13:3) and you also have to follow up with Jesus. Remember Follow Jesus only no religion no man Jesus rose from the dead. We have 500 eyewitnesses of it. Jesus is coming back soon with no mercy, seek the lord now while he may be found. When he rose from the dead he proved everything he said was true Muhamad or Buddha didn't rise from the dead. If you want more help watch the YouTube channel Cleveland street preachers he has been verified by the holy spirit so if you do watch him and not sure if what he says is true ask the holy spirit for confirmation and also ask the holy spirit to teach you and to guide you in case you haven't.

    Do any of you need prayer?


  2. Thanx for the support in Queens….dem Ladies aint have to he the nice….str8t like dat though Mike Martucci and Gerri Mcpeters and they freind Pat need holes in dey and head and is 5g a new rapper him and Billy Cheek been Flewellen Deep with Mayor Bill Deblasio Rudolph Guiliani ….

  3. I found this song on a burnt CD in 2003. When I jacked a DJ at a house party. N at the same time my boys were clearing out the house. Not proud, just saying. N I've paid all my dues


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