DJ Kool Herc’s Turntables: Hip Hop Extraordinaire

DJ Kool Herc’s Turntables: Hip Hop Extraordinaire Hip hop culture has infiltrated every aspect of American life but back in 1970’s New York, two topics defined the era: disco music and crime. Over in the Bronx, 16-year-old Jamaican immigrant Clive Campbell (aka. DJ Kool Herc) wasn’t a fan of either. This is the story of […]

Nat Turner & The Rebellion That Shook the South

Nat Turner & The Rebellion That Shook the South In 1831, a slave rebellion led by #NatTurner shook the South to its core. In its wake, the grip of the slaveholders tightened even further. But who was Nat Turner, how did his #rebellion start, and how should this horrible event be viewed in history? MrBettsClass […]