Testing RZA’s Music Knowledge | Track Star*

Testing RZA’s Music Knowledge | Track Star* RZA is a legend in every sense, and he was a dream guest on the music game show. As the mastermind behind Wu Tang Clan’s legendary sound, he’s truly shaped the DNA of rap and hip-hop. We got to talk about how he got into music, working on […]

Tribute to Bra Hugh Masekela

[ Tribute to Bra Hugh Masekela Bra Hugh Masekela Choral Tribute Ndlovu Youth Choir www.choir.africa Ndlovu Care Group www.ndlovu.com Follow Ndlovu Youth Choir here: • Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ndlovuchoir/ • Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ndlovuyouth… • Twitter – https://twitter.com/ChoirAfrica source ,