Testing RZA’s Music Knowledge | Track Star*

Testing RZA’s Music Knowledge | Track Star*

RZA is a legend in every sense, and he was a dream guest on the music game show. As the mastermind behind Wu Tang Clan’s legendary sound, he’s truly shaped the DNA of rap and hip-hop. We got to talk about how he got into music, working on movie soundtracks, and who inspires him to this day. Enjoy!

This Episode’s Track List:
Tramp – Otis Redding and Carla Thomas
Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) – Wu-Tang Clan
Only the Good Die Young – Billy Joel
Obstacle 1 – Interpol
Four Out of Five – Arctic Monkeys
Hip Hug-Her – Booker T. & The M.G.’s
As Long As I’ve Got You – The Charmels
Theme from The Fog – John Carpenter
The Boy’s Doin’ It – Hugh Masekela

Watch more Track Star* extended cuts:

Track Star Team: Jack Coyne, Kieran Coyne, Henry Kornaros, Alex Fabry, Ellen Schoenfeld, Sarah Mann, Ellie Aslanian, Alec Gannon

#trackstar #music #RZA

Some of our favorite RZA videos:



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Comment (18)

  1. I thought I was the only person who liked the Arctic Monkeys album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino. Its a concept album that no one liked. The song he is talking about is called Four Out of Five and its fantastic. Batphone, American Sports, Star Treatment, and the album title song are all fantastic. Smart, excellent album.

  2. I just heard that Wu Tang was going on a farewell tour a couple days ago. I’m torn because I have yet to see them live and I’ve been a fan for over twenty years but to get tickets that aren’t nosebleeds, we’re talking about $700+ per ticket. I guess I have until July to get it together…


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