2:25 to 3:47 if this were my beat I would strum a fourth quarter of third of a quarter six In F C E C F to middle C to E then step it in a fourth step of a second.
Summoning senses among song that sing into songs that sing summons senses. sentences sing into gazing nostalgia.
Nostalgia gazes into profound sentences to sing. Sing profound nostalgic gazes back. Back, gazes only to sing profound thoughts.
Fearing only lost sentence among words that sing fearing nothing but nostalgia. Fearing nostalgia that one has only lost, lost to words that that sing summoning words.
Reality doesn't sing lost words but only profound ones, don't sing into lost words to find profound ones. Don't hate reality to make menacing words literal love the fantasy to makes every moment live a little.
00:01 to 1:00 16/12 for every bend of 4.2 to 2.4 Of Sharpe's to flats of A D G A E for 4 2 6 2 4 sound like โฆโฆ Ionel Ritchie
If places decades of ages Of have faces and speak of Time Times of places of reminces Only places that remeinces
. Wish ..wish.. wish and you were Mine and only mine Only mine and mine
My it showers me speachless how a a breath Could make every moment could like time remincent over time sweet every moment count on every time of time over
Timmy T. do you remember me 1990's, I owned Arteest Management later I changed the name to Arteest Entertainment. Yes, Timmy T. , โ we met by a lawyer guy Tab Tolbert , his daughter was a singer in music group The Good Girls Joyce Tolbertโฆso long ago. I went to your house you lived with your parents as we had a meeting set up by Tab, cuz U wanted to learn music.
2:25 to 3:47 if this were my beat I would strum a fourth quarter of third of a quarter six
In F C E C F to middle C to E then step it in a fourth step of a second.
Summoning senses among song that sing into songs that sing summons senses.
sentences sing into gazing nostalgia.
Nostalgia gazes into profound sentences to sing.
Sing profound nostalgic gazes back. Back, gazes only to sing profound thoughts.
Fearing only lost sentence among words that sing fearing nothing but nostalgia.
Fearing nostalgia that one has only lost, lost to words that that sing summoning words.
Reality doesn't sing lost words but only profound ones, don't sing into lost words to find profound ones. Don't hate reality to make menacing words literal love the fantasy to makes every moment live a little.
Vintage chic peace to the rucker.
9:37 I had lost this vid in my Playlist. Exceptional
Timbo what happened to the old making beats videosโฆ.. damnโฆ the best ones are gone
00:01 to 1:00
16/12 for every bend of 4.2 to 2.4 Of Sharpe's to flats of A D G A E for 4 2 6 2 4 sound like โฆโฆ Ionel Ritchie
If places decades of ages
Of have faces and speak of Time
Times of places of reminces
Only places that remeinces
Wish ..wish.. wish and you were
Mine and only mine
Only mine and mine
My it showers me speachless how a a breath
Could make every moment could like time remincent over time sweet every moment count on every time of time over
Wish.. wish..wish you were mine.
For a girl I love
Vintage chic
Musical genius Timberlandddd
9:35 this beat make me crazy i need it timbo drop that bomb
that "never too much" song ,which artist is that??
3:48 i love the beat
dat first beat..maaan!!!
The music industry without Timbo is not the same..keep going, keep going..
Timbaland needs to produce a beat for em
Timmy T. do you remember me 1990's, I owned Arteest Management later I changed the name to Arteest Entertainment. Yes, Timmy T. , โ we met by a lawyer guy Tab Tolbert , his daughter was a singer in music group The Good Girls Joyce Tolbertโฆso long ago. I went to your house you lived with your parents as we had a meeting set up by Tab, cuz U wanted to learn music.
@2:25 needs straight bars no weak shit or mumble crap.
Pure genius
He's looking for a p Diddy sound
it's a crime that we don't have more music from Drake produced by Timbo smh.
Lol I understand Tim Dion1200 No Trolling!! All love
Nice beats TIMBO! loving your beats for over 2 decades
Busta is a natural for that second beat. That would be a hit
Sweet Jesus, that Luther beat is disgusting. YES TIMBO!
I would pay just for a whole album of this. Outstanding as usual from Timbo.
808 is too loud
That 1st and 4th beat