10 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Hemp Oil

Hemp oil is obtained from the seeds of the cannabis plant. It is also known as hemp seed oil, which is extracted solely from the seeds.

People often confuse hemp extracts in an oil carrier as “Hemp Oil”. However, pure hemp oil is a natural botanical concentrate processed only from the plant’s seeds and not from other botanical extraction processes.

Hemp oil does not contain THC, the chief psychoactive compound in cannabis. The oil which contains THC is called cannabis oil. So, you should not be confused by the two.

At Seedsman, we’re all about the benefits of cannabis. While hemp oil isn’t there to get you stoned, that doesn’t lessen its importance in any way. From medication to ropes, to building materials to hemp clothing – hemp truly is the most diverse plant on this earth!

Daily hemp oil can boost your health in a wide variety of ways and contains a huge amount of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fats. From hormonal balance to anti-ageing protection, here are ten surprising benefits of hemp oil you may not know:

1. Hemp Oil is One of The Most Nutritious Seed Oils Available

Hemp oil is packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium, which makes it full of nutrients beneficial for your body – perhaps more than any other oil available.

It is an unsaturated oil derived from a plant that accommodates 80% unsaturated fatty acids and only 20% undesired saturated fats. What’s more important to note is that this oil is very high in essential fatty acids – omega-3 and omega-6- necessary for the good functioning of your immune system and cardiovascular health.

2. Helps Control Hormonal Balance, PMS and Menopause Symptoms

The only seed known to contain gamma-linolenic acid is the hemp seed.

Gamma-linolenic acid is the substance that converts into a protective hormone called prostaglandin in the human body. This hormone helps to maintain hormonal balance and to support menopausal health. It also helps reduce PMS symptoms, such as irritability and fluid retention.

Hemp Oil

3. It’s Good For Skin

Hemp oil is an excellent natural moisturiser because it contains a high level of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Because it’s so rich in fatty acids, it increases your skin’s elasticity and slows skin ageing. Even more exciting is that it dries quickly on the skin and doesn’t have that oily effect; you can put it on your skin after a shower and won’t have to wait long before it dries.

4. It’s Great For Your Hair

Hemp oil also contains ceramides, which helps hair to be silkier and shinier – it’s often among the ingredients in many hair conditioners.

Amino acids in hemp oil will make hair grow stronger. Not only that, but this oil is also beneficial for the scalp, as it improves blood circulation.

5. It Can Help Improve Your Mood

There is strong evidence that omega-3 fatty acids improve the symptoms of bipolar disorder and ADHD. This is due mainly to the fact that fatty acids are essential for brain functioning.

Also, since this oil contains endocannabinoids, it helps to improve general mood and reduces depression and anxiety.

Hemp Oil

6. It’s Great for Vegetarians and Vegans 

Since vegetarians and vegans don’t get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in their diets, hemp oil is especially beneficial for them.

It provides the right balance of these nutrients, which is important considering the narrowed choice of fatty acid sources vegetarians and vegans have.

7. It Reduces Arthritis Pain

Some studies have found that consumption of hemp oil reduces arthritis pain by 25%.

This is due to gamma-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, both found in the oil. These fatty acids are strongly anti-inflammatory.

That’s why arthritis patients have noted the effects of this oil in reducing their pain with regular use.

8. Hemp Oil Lowers Cholesterol

The oil contains alpha-linolenic acid, meaning it boosts your metabolism. When metabolism is faster, it means that fats will burn more quickly.

This means cholesterol goes down, which also prevents the clogging of arteries.

Hemp Oil

9. It Aids in Antioxidant Protection

Vitamin E is the key to having beautiful skin and also helps in ageing gracefully. It also protects your DNA from free radicals present in the environment that can damage it over time.

Hemp oil is rich in Vitamin E and other antioxidants, so consuming it will help protect your DNA and cells and improve your overall health.

10. Hemp Oil Shouldn’t Be Heated

One thing to bear in mind for getting the full potential from this precious oil is that you should keep it at a regular or low temperature. High temperatures can turn unsaturated fats into saturated fats, removing its practical applications.

Cultivation information, and media is given for those of our clients who live in countries where cannabis cultivation is decriminalised or legal, or to those that operate within a licensed model. We encourage all readers to be aware of their local laws and to ensure they do not break them.

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