Akon helps raise $1 billion USD for Africa

Akon helps raise $1 billion USD for Africa

Popular African American singer Akon has announced that he has raised about 1 billion dollars to finance projects in Africa.

Speaking to the press the artist said it was not an easy task for him raising the first billion dollar.

He went further to say that Africa is in dire need of basic neccesities like portable water and electricity.

Akon says his desire for luxury reduced when he noticed the poor development in Africa.

In 2015, the R and B hip hop recording artist, Aliaune Damala Bou…

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Comment (23)

  1. Imagine if all the other black celebrities and entertainers thought like this brother give back to your community.
    Thank God he was raised in Africa and don't have a slave mentality like the rest of us.

  2. 600 million Africans, do you know how many nations are those ? You guys keep calling Africa a country, Africa is a continent of 54 countries! With over a Bn people

  3. Finally ! And Akon made it happen after decades of statu quo, millions went away in charity for nothing ! The world need more of this , Now !

  4. If all African rich men are like u ,then we will live a better life but unfortunately they are only proud of buying expensive luxuries just to make name for themselves

  5. 2000 Years ago, the Arabs enslaved and colonized Africans. From the year 1450 to 1960 the Europeans enslaved and colonized Africans. From the year 1960 to 2000 the invisible hand of the cold war enslaved and colonized Africans. From 2000 and ongoing the Chinese are enslaving, manipulating and colonizing Africans. Due to his lack of savvy, know how, his predisposition to exploitation, the Chinese have taken advantage of Africa and its rich resources, in fact based on available data both in terms of land acquisition and natural resources over $27 trillion has been unjustly taken through various deals– yet Africans have gotten a meager $280 billion out of those investments. Take the case of Senegal, where the Chinese have recently bought out right their international Airport located in Yioff Senegal, then loan the country $11 billion to build an new airport, nearly 10 times the cost of building an international Airport. In a country with a meager $31 billion PPP [GDP], repaying that loan will be nearly impossible. What the Chinese really want is the Yioff land in Senegal among others . Sadly Senegal will soon join the rank of countries deceived by China the likes of Sri Lanka were the government signed a 99-year lease with the Chinese government to operate their ports and airports. Case in point, the Chinese have and are currently building the biggest deep-seaport port in East Africa near Mombassa Kenya, coupled with biggest military based in Djibouti Africa, millions of miles of rails track throughout East Africa (Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia etc… their core objective is both cleared and nefarious, in that the Chinese plant to eventually dump trillion of dollars worth the cheaply made Chinese goods throughout Africa in the Belt and Road Initiative using their tentacles rail network. Recently the Chinese bought out right four additional international airports in West Africa (in Burkina Faso, Togo, the Guinea Bissau, as well as Sierra Leone and Cameroon). In Senegal for instance to build the airport the Chinese loaned Senegal $11 billions1/3 of the country GDP and 11 times the cost of building. When I first visited Senegal in 1985, the country was a fine republic with great potential, recently however (2015), Senegal has become a dump of humanity, the poverty, the decay and years of corruption and incompetence due to the inaptitude of both current and former president Wade. We can most certainly predict, soon enough Senegal like many other Africans will be bounded in chains, this time around however by the Chinese.


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