Black Cop (1969)

Black Cop (1969)

Documentary film originally produced by Black Journal by Kent Garrett in 1969.

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Comment (19)

  1. I'm pretty sure cops don't just go into any neighborhood…aren't they assigned to their "beat"? If the current mantra ACAB persists, there is little hope for law enforcement of any hue.

  2. Great video, wish it could more like this….but havent people changed, weapons more dangerous, what people are willing to do crime wise seems much more dangerous now than in the 50-60s. And they dont think before they make dangerous decisions. No time to discuss and both sides have to imagine what the next move will be. Police need to be better and citizens need to behave.

  3. The black cops on the news/documentaries always seem so relaxed and chill. I actually got pulled over by a black cop once. He was very professional but also very understanding and chill.

  4. My father was a police officer during the 1960's as well. He would tell my mother about the racism & how white officers severly mistreated black people on a daily basis. Unfortunately, my father chose to committ SUICIDE with his police issued revolver to get out of the situation. The Culture of policing keeps Black cops from standing for justice for our Community. That is why they are not trusted to do the right thing in the face of a Corrupt Criminal Justice System.

  5. Black cops are more brutal because they are more pissed off at the way their people behave. They are pissed off because they believe that blacks behaving badly cause their own problems. Don' blame white people.


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