Khia – My Neck, My Back (uncensored)

Khia – My Neck, My Back (uncensored)



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Comment (27)

  1. To every human being in this comment section, mostly men that I can tell, saying BULLSHITE like "since shes being so vulgar why is she wearing clothes", or other demeaning comments because a woman is using colourful language, talking about sex, dressing sexy. Why don't all of you "HYPOCRITES" go and look at just how many(going to bet theres over a million)videos there are of male singers, of all genres, who have way, WAY worse than this video. Some even talk about raping, beating, anal, group sex, blow jobs, 3somes, much, MUCH more. If you look up N.W.A and watch some old live concerts, they are very proud and open about having women/fans from the audience come up on stage while they are literally performing and letting them suck their dicks. There are very, VERY many musicians who admit to this very thing happening while they are recording albums in studios. So before you get all up in the hypocritical side of things, remember to go look in the mirror, we all have skeletons in our closets, its the ones who claim to have none that have the worst in theirs. Also NEVER THROW BRICKS AT GLASS HOUSES for its harsh to judge others for things your friends, family, self may think about, watch, listen to, see, talk about, dream of. One last thing, our grandparents and parents taught us that, IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, THEN YOU DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. Its 2022, time for racism, homophobia, men can/women can't, being judgemental, being hypocritical too END, too STOP. Thank you for being your amazing selves everyone, peace and much love sent from Ontario, Canada. #WEALLBLEEDRED #UNITEDWESTANDDIVIDEDWEFALL

  2. My girlfriend is the white chick with blonde hair . when we met 5 years ago she showed me this and I couldnt believe it! She was friends with the girl that owned the. House they filmed this at.


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