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Marcus Munroe
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Lem Collins
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Crooked is the best ever…. look into his shit….
How is Trump against the low class when his goal is to bring back the jobs from overseas.? He donates all his presidential salary to help legal immigrant families in America. He is the only president in history to do that, also the only president in history to lose money by being a president. Think about it. The Democrats are against him because he's going against the grain by creating opportunities for Americans to feed their families without relying on the government for hand outs. The Democrats want American citizens to rely on the government for handouts because that's how they control you.
this chorus is fucking fire. it reminds me of some other song but idk what song in thinking of
Who come here after Eminem And Crooked interview?
Classism facts
Hearing about the k Mart drink as a white man breaks my heart guy's, for real, being Canadian I've heard of things like that in the U.S and probably other places, to hear it coming from you guys made it real and just fucked me up
The sound at the end is the skeksis. From The Dark Crystal
This was dope. Thank you guys for shedding some light on Crooked's stuff. Not enough people know. More Crooked, Please. He's been dropping songs weekly the whole of 2019 too, could you react to those?
How have I not seen this yet, please do kxng crooked – B. C. Please! Or any other weekly
Damn… y’all talking some conspiratorial shit on here.
You wanna talk about “population control”?
Look at the racial breakdown of abortions each year. Black ppl get more abortions than any other race. Black ppl in New York are aborting more of their children each year than are being born now! Look at who started Planned Parenthood: Margaret Sanger. Look at her history and her actual admission that abortion was to keep black population down. Which political party walks hand in hand with Planned Parenthood? Which political party supports abortion like it’s the new fad? Which political party supports the welfare state that crippled the black community, built the ghettos, and destroyed the family? Yet, which political party does 70 – 90% of black people support? I’ll give you a hint: it’s all the same party, and it’s not the one headed up by the “big ole boogey man Donald Trump”. You don’t have to like Trump. You don’t have to like republicans, but FFS, if you are aware of manipulation by media, lies told by politicians, and the worsening situation in the black community since the 60’s why not look at the party you keep giving your vote to. That’s all I’m saying. Let’s just free our minds and think. There is no label more harmful and off-putting in modern America than “racist”. If someone is successfully labeled that you know the majority of black folk aren’t going to give that person a chance. Not in a million years. Be wary if you keep hearing politicians and media (both of which you know we can’t trust) calling people “racist” all the time rather than arguing against their ideas. They’ll have you voting against your own interests to help them gain power.
My point is simply: let’s use our brains more and our emotions less
The damage illegal immigration (not the individual immigrants, the practice) has done to the black community is measurable and it’s serious. Just bc a white person (Trump or his supporters) want immigration to be handled legally doesn’t make them racist. Saying it does is some shallow thinking, man. You comment on how the media has us fighting each other, and then you parrot what the media says. I had more hope for this channel. Dayum…
Just bc your candidate loses doesn’t mean “democracy doesn’t exist anymore”. That some sore loser think.
Obama wins 2008 – “Democracy is dope. This shit is important!”
Obama wins 2012 – “That was a close one, but democracy wins again. Love that shit”
Trump wins 2016 – “Man, we don’t have any damn democracy anymore. Our votes don’t count.”
I’m not suggesting one candidate is better or worse than the other, just saying that being that way isn’t honorable, fair or honest. IMO.
Now, on the free speech issue I’m with you 100%. Doesn’t matter who you are, our freedom of speech is consistently being encroached upon. It’s a problem.
wish u guys would do a video without the girls and drinks in there. just real shit. 7 deployments im tired of seeing cheaters out partying. feel yall with this breakdown.
Please react to The Game Ft Eminem – We Ain't! It's a classic!!
'Prez' recognises the classism we got in BRITAIN. We about to be your next state…
Trump doing more for minorities than any president ever. It's the Liberals destroying inner cities. Obama had 50 more million people on food stamps. Now there are more jobs than there are unemployed people. You want something go and get it
On second thought, this is the Black Dynamite conspiracy you're talking about.. except the drink made D's shrink
You on some heavy conspiracies on this one! If true this is crazy, reminds me of that last Designated survivor season with the virus.. Hope this isn't real, or ppl should be in jail for a long time
Hey Scriptwork. Love all the content and have the Bell and subbed and all that but I got notified about this video 6-7 days late, almost a full week after it was originally uploaded I got a notification?
They right. Obama was using class against us and he probably does have black friends.
Kxng crooked a damn realist life of a bandana is damn deep sad dope and true
Woooow that story ya'll told was crazy and scary! But damn smh and this song was soooo real!!!
LONG BEACH IN THA BUILDIN!!! Crooked a f**kin monster! We need more Crooked in here!
guys u shud breakdown some slaughterhouse bars
This whole album is dope as hell, its an alternate reality concept album, look into it, definitely worth it.
Theres also a second album
There's no EM
That stank face on the tightrope bar. Shit hit me hard too.
Food coloring in the juice
Hey guy's can you PLEASE PLEASE DO
(the notorious big feat. bone thugs-n-harmony notorious thugs)
It's right up you're Ally big G's . much love .. Link below
Yo you gotta do kxng crooked the experiment. It's the best song off this album
Y'all do Battle Rap? If so you should check out QP. Fredo Algebra for comedic Bars
you gave me chills with that juice story. i'm not from usa but similar crap can happen anywhere so now i have to do some research too
That Planet X Warrior concept poster should be on yall wall
KXNG Crooked is one of my favorite artists. Great break down! Was lucky to meet and work with Crooked in Hollywood when Slaughterhouse was in the process of getting signed. He’s such a real dude, chopping it up with us regular people even though he is an elite lyricist in the game. You should react to a track he did with Royce called Gun Harmonizing! Bars are outta this planet
Whole album of Crooked; Good Vs Evil is dope af
Welp, It was fun, but ya’ll want to talk shit about politics… I’m out. you lost someone who truly enjoyed planet breakdown. Oh yeah, And I have my one and only Delema album. Never again.
Great video as usual. And just to add to the "Trumps classism" statement – which was spot on. It's the elites vs the poor/middle class. Nobody in politics is addressing or ever mentions the real culprit to wealth inequality; the federal reserve is the source of most wealth inequality. This is a "private" institution that creates money(diluting the value of our labor) whenever they want and distributes it through banks and then corporations. My beliefs and pretty much libertarian – everybody treated equally and a limited federal government that is supposed to protect individual rights of everybody. And right now a class warfare is being created and people think mandating higher taxes on rich, free education, free Healthcare, etc is the way to fix this but it's only going to make it worse. Every goverment the grows power only creates a society where everybody not in goverment is poor and everybody in or with connections to goverment is rich. We have to strip their power and their role.
KXNG, EM, ROYCE, DAYLYT top 4 not in any particular order