Six Million Dollar Man Running 60mph 3 Awesome!

Six Million Dollar Man Running 60mph 3 Awesome!

This show is one of the single biggest things that influenced my childhood and later my gung-fu training. I would see Steve Austin with super speed, I had to have it, super strength, I had to have it, Iron forearms.. I had to have it, run super fast, had to have it.
As an old biblical proverb says “where there is no vision, the people perish”. I had a vision of this my entire youth. Then when I learned from my first teacher, showing me the training techniques in the ancient manuals on how to actually attain all of those skills, even the super high jumping and super speed (yes, it can be done), I was beyond shocked, but didn’t care how much or how long it took, I was going to achieve those abilities of Steve Austins that I mentioned. and today I have, some of which I”ll demonstrate in some future videos.

Music by user STIKS1969



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Comment (40)

  1. cool factor is in here. But honestly his legs were implanted at then end of stumps. to do what he did in the show he'd have to have a metal walker in the pelvis mounted to his upper torso(rather the spine, thus removing his original pelvic bones). those cybernatic legs would rip an organic torso apart at the pelvis like a buldozer to a cow on a meat rack! I understand via intro diagram his legs were mounted on thigh stumps, not as a two-leg/pelvis assembly mounted to the spine below the abdomen as it should have been.

  2. Today's Leftist media organizations HATE these type of scenes. They invoke a fighting spirit in a man. Emotions coupled with a mental state of being UNBREAKABLE . Achieving a goal with a relentless attitude! Qualities instilled in young boys of the 70's which Politicians fear today.

  3. Very nice pictures you know I'm almost 62 years old and I can bike ride a mile under 3 minutes a mile and under 3 minutes and that's a level four just imagine I can I can bike ride a mile with less under 3 minutes and I'm almost 62 years old so it is possible that people can been like that it's very very possible now if you figured the Dynamics you figure how fast that is so it is possible very very possible man can run that fast but conditioning conditioning eating diet no meat no bad food yeah I can say man 62 years old I can bike ride a mile under 3 minutes you don't believe me I got the pictures

  4. I Liked the Steve Austin character myself – Lee Majors was the perfect casting for it – I would love them to do a modern day film remake – keeping it true to the original – One of my old favourite TV series – the first bigfoot story is a good one and so many others.

  5. Sadly I can't press like twice. If they ever made this show into a movie, this clip or something similar should be all they show for the trailor. It says it all. Him running on a raceway track full of military security along the sidelines and a team of brass that he keeps passing at 60mph monitoring his speed. That would be cool.

  6. I always appreciated watching this effect when I was a kid. Somehow, it didn't look sped up, and had a real feel to it. I think they slightly slowed the clip when a foot hits the ground, then sped it up again to give the illusion of inhuman burst. I also think they filmed him outside running against a long blue screen with the camera on a truck. The addition of the blurred fence in the foreground and the slower moving background added nicely to the overall effect

  7. So gloriously inspiring. I forgot how beautiful was the theme music of that show. Thomas Jane needs to be the new Colonel Steve Austin. I can easily see him running to this music


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