被遗弃路边草丛的黑人混血00后上大学了,上海阿婆18年心酸让人动容 | 二更

被遗弃路边草丛的黑人混血00后上大学了,上海阿婆18年心酸让人动容 | 二更




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Comment (41)

  1. I thank God for taking him in and raising him without you he may not have survived. Thank you and your family for showing love and care for this young man.

  2. 老太婆与外国人生孩子的事,也是有的;女儿生了野种,让老娘养,这也是很普遍的;儿媳妇偷情生野种,儿子当龟公,让老娘养孩子的事也不在少数……

  3. 善良的奶奶辛苦养大了外国孩子 但这孩子在传统的中国家庭被抚养长大 应该都没出过国门 思维方式及说话方式却还是外国的 很神奇..

  4. Even though this woman's intentions were good when saving him, I feel that all of the microaggressive commentary on his "differences" and insinuations that he would somehow "struggle" is taking a negative toll on his emotional and psychological state. Although we should all applaud the woman for saving him, it may have been better if he'd later been raised by a middle class brown family from either Africa or the U.S.. I say "or" because I have no idea who fathered him (an african, african american man, etc) but either way, being with a family he could identify with would've helped him feel genuinely included and feel more at home on an instinctual basis than he did being raised without one.
    And before someone tells me that this doesn't matter, take note of the frustration and awkwardness that he is carrying. It is no wonder that he comes across the way he does. He not only feels "thrown away" but seems to instinctively feels out of place – as if he's been cheated in life and that there's something more familiar to him out there that he is missing yet I bet whenever he acts this way, people assume that it's "genetics" when in a nutshell, he's simply culturally deprived because he needed to have been raised with at least some cultural influence from his father's people as well.

  5. 感觉阿婆养了条白眼狼!朱军龙这也太没礼貌了!吃饭挑三捡四还阴阳怪气各种嫌弃!没有阿婆他小命早没了!希望他能学会感恩!能孝顺养他育他的阿婆!

  6. First off it has already be scientifically proven that the first Asians including Chinese looked like him. He didn’t have to come from anywhere else. As far as the facts are concerned he is 100% more Asian than typical asians

  7. When i first looked at the dude i thought he was Chinese. i didn't know he'd been introduced yet-i thought he was another sibling. With a closer look he looks straight up black and Chinese at the same time-he might even look more chinese

  8. Poor boy!
    I understand that is taboo in certain Asian cultures in that prime time, to have a baby mix with black.
    The mom, didn’t have to throw him away.
    He is definitely a mix of black and Asian.

  9. Fuck this kid. He’s insanely rude to his grandparents and is a spoiled little shit. So fucking what if he’s mixed race. It’s no excuse for a complete lack of manners.

  10. My cousin, who is black, was teaching in China for a couple of years. He left cause the Chinese are racist, although those that hired him wanted him to stay. The young man in the video should take a trip down to south China where the black Chinese live. He probably already know this.


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