Wiley walking round Birmingham town asking for the 3 main crews.

Hit up his insta if you can help identify anyone involved.



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Comment (32)

  1. What a guy he chattin abwt crews that aint even about no mre witch wer better then his poo anyway don. Someone tell me what roll deep are doing right about now due to boy name Kylie aka Wiley. Don't forget about what boyz-n-the-hood did to you end ov

  2. Say what you want about Wiley but he knows what he’s doing, this will take grime back to what it’s supposed to be, clashes and war dubs will all come from this and re invigorate the genre

  3. Seriously I am a nobody and usually I don’t comment but seriously you might say them things in town by a set of traffic lights but you wouldn’t be disrespecting crews of bham cos Wiley you use to be big in the music game but stop hating on man that are talented and that are making P so all people can eat from the pie and staying humbled in the process, and lastly but not least don’t hate the player hate the game all it is is they are just doing it better than you end of ,do what you use to be good at and l say it like that cos you ain’t bought nothing to the table for long and stop traffic light licking cos it doesn’t suit you,!!!

  4. What's the difference between grime and drill please? You'll have to excuse me I'm just a old reggae man. I live here on the broadwater farm estate tottenham and them youts on here killing it OFB. actually most have moved out now


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